Since Windel still isn't online, I'm gonna do my best to address all of the above that I have an answer for. Also, added specs for all classes in the second post, as well as all Gunner perks and the Level 4 Wizard perks. [quote=Lucius Cypher]Define "humanoid". I can find another picture of the same guy that makes his slime like nature less apparent, but the fact that he fights like an amorphous blob is important to his fighting style. I was thinking that it would be one his beginning skills which is akin to shapeshifting. Loses conventional weapon abilities (that is to say, can't really use weapons beyond swinging the sharp part at the bad guys) for various stat boosts and alternative skills that are classified as "unarmed" or "natural weapons".[/quote] As much as I love novelty, I'm pretty sure "humanoid" entails "[i]not[/i] an amorphous blob". You might, [i]MIGHT[/i] be able to convince Windel on this (I doubt it, though) but either this decision isn't mine to make, or you'd stand no chance of convincing me on it, however much I do like the idea. In either case, you'll need to speak to Windel on this. [quote=ERode]Why do the guys have such a simple and easy-to-put-on uniform, while girls still have to deal with that multi-layer top bullshit? Such sexism.[/quote] Because it was either the blazers or the typical schoolgirl uniform you've seen in every anime ever. The blazers look more formal, so I opted for those this time. [quote=ERode]Is it possible at all for Rulers to be less than lvl9? Or does the system bar Rulership from any of those lvl8 and below plebians?[/quote] I'm about 90% sure you have to be top level. Maybe with some due convincing, you might be able to slide by with a level 8 ruler, but I'm pretty certain you have to be level 9. [quote=ERode]How much has virtual reality affected the porn industry? :3[/quote] How sure are you that you want me to answer that?