Imran watched, as the pair went through the training course efficiently, taking about 88 percent of the black targets down, and one white, one they shouldn't have. But the threshold was three white, they were out. For now, they had done well. Looking to Howard and Antoine, he nodded. "They have what it takes- but you won't have to buy them the whiskey. I'll have them, that Spectre looks aggressive, service file supports why he's crazy. Mainly Cybernetics...well, it's experimental, but it works. Hard wires the human body to something else indeed, no surprises there. Iceman is a good Medium operator. Couragous. But I want to see how much so. I remember when Svetlana damn nearly crushed you, Howard. I don't want to know what pain they're going to get." Imran said, chuckling, as he moved to the microphone. "Well done. Survive." Imran said coldly, aware it'd leave them in confusion. Svetlana stood, her naked body within the armor moving easily, thanks to the fact that she had no GMG to carry, or an ammo rucksack. She had just a large cattle prod, and she was going to have fun with it. Walking up, she knew where they'd stop. Every time, right on the marker. She raised her foot as she moved fast, kicking the plywood wall over, the massive thing coming down, straight onto Spectre. He was fast, but he wasn't going to escape this, as it fell on him, temporarily pinning him. She felt shots ricochet, pointlessly. Iceman wasn't going to comprehend what was going on entirely here, because Svetlana was 7"5, and looked like she could really level a brick outhouse. She coldly walked up to Spectre, trapped under the plywood, and still taking shots, shoved the massive Cattle Prod into his back. 20,000 volts rushed out, the thing lighting up like a lightening bolt, as she knew she was still getting shot. She had an eye on Iceman, aware that he'd lose that last mag. And he'd have to make a last stand. Spectre was tough, and while he would have been a problem, now he was not. She didn't want to see how tough he was. He was conditioned, mentally prepared. It was the unchanged and just trained Iceman, that would feel her wrath next. The shock continued, as Spectre passed out, the current frazzling him and forcing him out of conciousness, as she put her faceplate up. "Now just you and me, tough guy. Think you have what it takes?" She asked, standing at her full height, revealing her pretty face, as she widened her legs, and kept her enlarged cattle prod in her right hand, looking at him. He was out. And there was nowhere to run.