As he entered the vicinity of the spike in magical energies that he had detected several minutes ago, the penin shuddered slightly, the sensation of a magic user's aura washing over him. Narrowing his eyes as he came into audible distance he heard an exchange occurring. However, he couldn't make out the words and by the time he was close enough to they had stopped talking and, as he rounded the corner to look, he found that one man was attacking another. In the shaded alley I'on wasn't quite able to make out the victim, or at least he'd thought that one of them was the victim. However, as the man responded it became quite clear to him that he too was a seasoned combatant. Perhaps this was a scuffle that he should not have involved himself with, yet part of him debated otherwise. Perhaps it was the distinct feel of magic in the air. Whatever it was, the use of magic in what had likely been a violent gesture did not sit well with the mage. Taking several steps into the alley before a figure landed several feet in front of him, the penin, not thinking it wise to be unarmed, reached behind him and unfastened the staff from his back, bringing it around swiftly. The movement was one he had trained, having meticulously done so till his muscle memory was well built up, thus allowing him to execute the action regardless of the situation without distracting his thoughts or other actions much, if at all. As such his mind kept working, taking in his surroundings so as to adapt accordingly. As his eyes grazed over the motionless body of a woman splayed on the ground, his nose confirming the distinct scent of blood in the air, he knew how to proceed. He was to treat this situation as a potentially life threatening one, which meant he would –quite unfortunately-- probably have to use magic. While he enjoyed practicing his art in and out of combat, it was always stressful when he had to put his life on the line and once again it was not helpful that he was tired as it is. As this thought came to mind another stranger entered the alley, descending from the roof of one of the buildings. He wore a loose garment, with a hood an cloak. He also noted leather gloves on the man's hands, though he could not see his face beneath the darkness of the hood. Reacting first on instinct before logic took hold, I'on slid one foot forwards, readying his staff for a swing, before he stopped, considering that the man may have been reacting to the hostilities in the same manner that he was. As such, I'on hid one of his hands behind his side, where the man could not see it, and began slowly and deliberately drawing arcane symbols on the air. [B]“Hurry and speak up, what's your part in this? Are you victim or ally?”[/B] His voice was hoarse as he hadn't had a drink in a good while, but nonetheless booming in its volume. It was as if he was both warning passersby away and trying to alert the authorities. This was a violent conflict in the midst of the city, where innocents could easily get caught up in, in fact it appeared as if one already had, which was not something that I'on was happy about. If Morgan made no move to attack him after several moments, I'on would begin walking towards him, body ready to attack if necessary, though his intention was to simply pass him by. He needed to stop this before the victim took more damage than the simple kick that he had seen. Then he could perhaps save a life and capture the criminal. His left hand continued to weave sigils into the air, though he had already prepared at least two spells at this point. He intended to fully utilize the abundance of magical energy in his surroundings, that was for sure. Despite his fatigue, there appeared a burning fire in the eyes of the little penin, and a certain grace to his movements. He knew what he was doing. He had been a warrior for much of his life, and a mage for almost as long. He did not stand for injustice, and this seemed to fall right into that category. In fact he was willing to drive himself into the ground if it meant that he could capture the man who had began this violent exchange. Granted, if necessary he would pull back, as he was no fool and he knew when he could go on no longer. Nonetheless, I'on had not used much magic this day and so while his mind was tired and his body did need a good nap, his magical energy was still somewhat plentiful, though he was not at full capacity. He would just have to make do with what he had.