[b]Name:[/b] Kate Lockheart [b]Alias':[/b] “The X”, “Codename X”, or simply “X” [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Affiliations:[/b] Corporate (her own little business) [b]Description:[/b] [img]https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/569x426q90/743/YJBRu5.png[/img] About 169 cm. Slender build. Brown hair and intense blue eyes. Her outfit and gear can vary from job to job. Usually she brings things like night goggles, bungee string and flashbangs. [b]The outfit here:[/b] [img]https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/312x374q90/661/gzCmIy.png[/img] [b]Powers: [/b] [b]Enhanced speed and reflexes.[/b] Not exactly super speed, but faster than any human can ever move. Her reflexes work roughly 3 times better than the average person. [b]Enhanced endurance.[/b] Not stone skin, but it does make her able to land from a 2-3 store building or limp away from a car crash. She can even suffer a swing from a bat a few times. [b]Building up physical energy. [/b]Basically she’s able to charge up and release blows many, many times her usual strength. The power peeks at punching through vaults, and each blow requires a new charge up. She needs to be able to move, run, jump and spin in order to build up the force she can then unleash for devastating effect. [b]Skills:[/b] Extreme gymnastics that only get enhanced through her powers, making her able to do spinning stunt no person would ever dream of. Then there’s her multiple martial arts, which didn’t take that long to master once she got her powers. Combined with her hard earned skills in gymnastics this makes her a force to be reckoned with. Quadruple spin-kick… no problem! [b]Equipment:[/b] A wide range of spy gadgets and none-lethal hand-to-hand weaponry she can choose from. [b]Ranking:[/b] B Rank [b]Brief History:[/b] Kate grew up on the street being a petty thief. But as she got older she started hanging out with the wrong crowd. Suddenly she was breaking into places one really should stay away from, but it taught her what she needed to know about infiltration. Then her powers came… Everything changed. Suddenly she didn’t need friends, didn’t need allies. She started working on her body and soon she acquired her first 10.000 from selling a stolen antiquity. She got better, did bigger stuff. Failed, but then learned from her mistakes. Succeeded and aimed higher. Failed, but then studied harder. Succeeded and aimed higher. Failed, but then got better equipment, and so on. 5 years later Kate is known as [i]X[/i], and you have only heard of that name, if you are someone. She is proof to the glorified lifestyle powers can give you. She lives in a penthouse, but still has to occasionally do jobs like stealing something, sabotaging something or other kinds of jobs required for a master burglar, to pay for her expensive lifestyle. It’s no longer just her physical attributes that makes her good. There’s a lair of equipment, gadgets and portable, short-range hacking devices. Occasionally charm is required too, and Kate can most definitely mingle amongst the upper class. The few times she has met with clients she has posed as a middleman, but getting into contact with her is no easy thing. But something has changed slightly. A desire beyond living the dream has come. The desire to go after the government. It started after she did a small job for a guy named Mark Fletch. An actual employee working for the federal government, Mark is also an unregistered with an E Ranking. Once the job, removing a few files about him, was done, they didn’t part ways. No, this success has made them both think that maybe it's possible to bring down the system or at least cripple parts of it. Mark has some inside knowledge and Kate has skills, so maybe it will work. But the second things get hot their gonna part ways. Such an act might not be easy though. After a month Kate has grown closer to him. Closer than she had sworn anyone would get to her. Now the agenda is breaking into facilities, sabotage, and downloading random secrets. It is not just her adrenalin addiction that fuels it anymore. It’s a protest against registrations and a stab at The Man. But it is also because she believes they might have theories and answers about the reasons behind people’s powers. Untold secrets. Public lies. This new challenge does not distract from her taste at life; her glorified lifestyle or her need to challenge herself. However it has now put her on the radar of some very, very powerful people and… people with powers, who will go to great lengths to find and stop her…