Alright, I'm gonna try to answer those questions without giving anything away. Fantasy is not a huge part of the roleplay. When we were thinking about magic, I figured it would be somewhat fascinating because the fact that you're reincarnating infinitely is fantastical in itself. As far as other humans go, that is going to be part of the luck factor. So, yes, you are normal humans starting out with no memory of past lives. At best, a hazy dream of something that may or may not have happened. There will be next to no combat unless we think of something that warrants it. You can always have a character who can fight, but there's no guarantee that you will get to use those skills. Of course, you're given free reign of your characters so you can always have them being more hot-headed or battle oriented when there is no actual battle being fought. Could cause conflict on its own. I would have to ask that no one has magic starting off, though. The timeline, I would say, just think of our timeline. We're at about the same level, technologically. Cell phones, computers, cars, etc. It's a modern fantasy so everything is basically the same, plus some fantastical elements that we'll be throwing in. Does that answer your guys' questions?