Unknown100: Acccepted, but she's really more of a C-Rank. A skilled, powerful, connected C Rank, but still a C Rank. I'll let you consider adding a power to bump her up to B Rank if you want, but as she is you're accepted. AcerRo: I'm glad everything's moving so fast, it's exciting! Your character needs some power revisions. His defensive abilities are amazing, his offensive powers great, good support abilities, and above average healing. He also has excellent combat skills. His only real weakness is that he needs oxygen to combust. If this was played up more, it might be ok. He can flame on for ten or fifteen seconds full-body, or just do parts of his body. So either his abilities need a major revision, or his weakness does. Silent Resonance: honestly, I just forgot. I had a feeling I was forgetting someone, but I was scrolling through pages 4 and 5 because I thought I had everyone before that. I'll add you right away. Many apologies!