Ralph was awoken by what sounded like boulders crashing onto the ground. He instantly woke up, thinking there was a cave-in, only to find that it was only Connor stumbling towards the rest of the group. "Jesus Christ, Connor." He said. "You scared the crap out of me." He flew outside, joining the rest of the group. "Now, I don't know about you guys, but I'd like to get something to eat before we do anything else. Let's see if we can find anything in the forest first. If we really have to, we'll try the city, but I don't want to go there unless it's absolutely necessary." Ralph still wanted to avoid the city as much as possible, at least until they were better prepared. All of the psychos had probably killed each other off by now, so that wasn't what he was worried about this time. What worried him a lot more was Michelle's group. They certainly didn't sound like an ordinary gang of thugs. Apparently, Michelle was weaker than the other admins, and since they had so trouble defeating her, they'll have a lot more dealing with the others. They were probably outnumbered as well. The forest was definitely a safer option.