*double post with MissCapnCrunch* "Fuck off" said Alistair as he pushed Ben out of the way and moved passed him. Huh, and I thought I was doing so well. Ben said to himself. Thoroughly annoyed with Alistair's unpleasantness, he decided to go to bed. When he turned around and took a step, however, a dull pain ran through Ben's body. "Shit, not now!" Ben said out loud. Struggling with the pain, he managed to get a pill bottle out of his pocket. He swallowed a pair of pills and the pain started to subside. Still, he couldn't help but sit down in the middle of the hall. He'd be fine, but he just needed a minute... As the last coating of red dried upon Isabella's nail she looked them over carefully. "Good enough" she thought to herself, screwing on the cap and placing it back on the table in front of her. Her eyes closed for a moment, as she filled her lungs with air. Holding it. Holding it. Releasing. The stream of air flew from her lips with a small whistle. It had been a long day already it seemed. Her stomach grumbled, but she didn't mind it, not wanting to eat anything. Opening her eyes she peered down at the nail polish bottle. "I better bring this back inside before it gets broken." she thought, her eyes widening, "..Or stolen." Grabbing it quickly, she held it close in her palm as she turned back inside, and started walking through the hallways, her gaze looking up into the corners to look at the direction paths. Since Isa had only been there a week, she was still getting used to the place. It was then she saw the boy from earlier in the hallway. Benjamin was it? Isabella slowed her pace as she walked towards him, "Yo..are you okay?" she questioned from a few steps away from the boy. Benjamin felt like he had been run over by a truck, but when he heard the familiar voice, he blinked his eyes back into focus and saw Isa standing above him. "Yeah I'm fine." Mostly he wanted to add, but he kept that to himself. He struggled a bit, but finally got back to his feet. "It's a long story." he said, trying to look dignified. "How are you, Isa?" "I have time." she joked watching him get up, she gave Ben a weak smile. The guy looked like he needed to sit back down again so she didn't want to take up too much of his time. He asked her politely how she was doing, "I'm chill." she answered, opening up her palm to him and revealing the half empty bottle of polish. "Just putting this back in my room." she paused, before quickly saying the next part, "You can come with if you want.. if not, that is cool too." she shrugged, but kept a pretty friendly smile on as she started to walk before Ben could answer. Ben started to follow. "Sure, I'll go." he said. They walked for a bit before Ben felt comfortable talking again. It the two years he had spent on the road, he never really felt himself open up to anyone. Now, for a reason he couldn't explain, Ben felt like he just couldn't hold on to it anymore. "I was in an accident. A bad one." Ben felt his throat start to get dry as he got more nervous. The last thing he wanted was for his only acquaintance at Open Roads to think he was a freak. "Sometimes I get some bad pains in my body, but it's usually when I try and sleep. I take a powerful painkiller for it. I can't sleep without it." As Ben spoke Isa turned her head slightly to look at him. "What did he mean by it was an accident?" she thought, looking back ahead nervously. He continued explaining to Isabella the situation and she began to felt bad, but without knowing the accident, she couldn't have but a twinge of fear in her heart. Clearing her throat, she spoke quietly so people around them couldn't hear as they walked through the more populated residency areas, "I'm sorry to hear that Ben, I don't sleep very well these day either." she sighed, stopping in front of her room. She turned to Ben slowly, as she carefully put her hand on his shoulder. "I believe in you, you can fight against anything and anyone." she let her hand slip back down to the door knob as she turned it and walked inside. She opened up her small desk in her room's drawer and placed the bottle in, next to some art supplies and knick knacks she had hoarded in the last few days here. Ben had no idea how to respond to Isa's words. Encouragement was not something he got often, and from Isa, it actually sounded genuine. When she put her hand on his shoulder, Ben almost recoiled, but she seemed so [i]"friendly"[/i], Ben thought. When Isa walked back into her room, he took that as a cue to turn and leave. Even before the accident, Ben was a little awkward and he didn't want to mess up and say something really idiotic. When he got back to his room, he couldn't help but feel stupid anyway.