Not wasting any time, Cronic swung his sword in self defence against the Vampires, swiftly decapitating one of the bloodsuckers, all the while noting Aria's predicament as he reached for something on the underside of his sword arm with his free hand during the break in attacks. Eventually, he pulled out a dagger from his sleeve, which he promptly used as a throwing knife, aiming for the neck of the vampire that was pinning Aria down. [i]"Dragons, crazed cultists, Vampires... Give me a fucking break already...!"[/i] Cronic thought to himself, rolling his eyes as he resumed fending off the Vampires and their thralls, impaling a second though the heart. [i]"Better check that everyone's not been sanguinare vampiris'd after this is over. Last thing we need is getting turned into Vamps ourselves."[/i]