I don't have enough role plays with Doctor Who plots. And this is my seeking out Whovians who I may or may not already know to help me fix that. °I can double up {either by playing the Ninth Doctor(who I feel most comfortable playing as cause I believe I can get his personality than any of the other Doctors) or a human male [or try at Captain Jack Harkness]} °I give what I get. You give me stuff to work with I will work with you :3 °I don't write much gore stuff or mature theme's but in order to improve as a writer I am working on both of those limitations, but I warn you I am going to take a whole lot more time if mature themes are introduced. I do apologize for that. ° I work a 9-5 shift (which I pray I get to change soon cause its driving me batty being where I'm at) so please be patient with me and I will be patient with you whenever real life gets in your way. All I ask is just give me either a warning or when you have been gone a long while letting me know why. I will accept most excuses. I will message you if you haven't posted by at least a month asking what is going on cause I am a caring person. °Feel free to get to know me, I love making new friends here ^.^ Now we can make our own plot or we could go with two idea I have thanks to the new Season of DW. They both obviously have to do with Twelve. The first is a reunion idea between him and his 'daughter' Jenny who had regenerated a few times since she came from death at that planet. How and when, well that will be up to us I suppose. The other I had with Twelve was with his getting a different companion once Clara left (maybe she got married to Danny who knows) but that's the idea I had there. I hope to hear from fellow Whovians soon and plan what ideas to be had. :3