Alright, that should be everyone. Once again, my apologies cannot be overstated. If I didn't have so much homework and work-work, I'd likely have gotten this done much sooner. I'll probably be making an excel sheet to help cut down on the time for these big annum-updates. Now, I have an announcement: I am extending the date for orders to this Thursday at midnight, EST, on the condition that the deadline be verbatim. No getting orders to me at 1am, 2am, 8am, no. [youtube]osMSoXl__58[/youtube] So, enjoy the extra time, play some crusader kings, make some plots in To Lunds, and make sure to get those orders in. If anyone has any questions on their updates, now's the time to ask them. Come the next deadline, that stuff's set in stone, regardless of errors.