Niko was asleepin in a tree when woke with a start to the noises of someone crashing through the forest and then yelling "THE BLOOD OF THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB IS NOT NEEDED AS THE BLOOD OF ALL IS OVER ME!!!!" quite a bit closer to him then he'd prefer. he hurriedly scooped up his lizard and grabbed his pack. All his haste was then wasted as he spent about 5 minutes trying to pick a music channel on his echo device. By the time he had returned his attention to the world, the badly wounded psycho was within 200 meters and tramping around. Niko whispers to his lizard "hmm, looks like someone forgot to pack a shield. Wonder what hit him?" he pauses as if listening, "naw it couldnt be skags. in a forest like this? they hate forests. My bet is hunters, what with us being so far from civilization and everything." he listens again and upon 'hearing' a response his voice raises a bit in exasperation. " well its not myyy fault you decided to store some bugs in the echo units gps chip and compass hardware! we'd know exactly where to be looking. come on lets follow him, maybe he has a camp somewhere. and with that, the light footed ranger takes off after the psycho through the trees.