[center][b]P A T I E N C E[/b] [u]The Underground City[/u][/center] Patience is a virtue. It was a saying her grandfather used frequently, and no matter how hard she tried, they were words she could never follow. Kalani liked to think of herself as a woman of action. She didn’t believe in destiny or fate, or the idea that everything happened for a reason. Kalani believed in one thing and one thing only. Her own strength. With enough will-power, and hard work anything could be achieved. This mindset had brought her this far, and while she respected her grandfather, Kalani wasn’t going to change for anyone. So after five months after arriving, and being taken in by the Rising, she couldn’t help but feel as if she was wasting time just sitting here. Eyeing the bowl of seaweed noodles sitting before her, a hard frown sat along her lips as her fingers tapped impatiently along table. Weren’t there recruits she could meet up with? Or maybe a message that needed to be carried to another safe zone? She could list out a number of different things she could be doing, but instead here she was, stuck in underground Omashu until further orders. Despite her boredom she didn’t attempt to involve herself in the friendly chatter taking place amongst the others at the table, but at the sudden creak of the front door, the conversation had been cut short. Greeted by the others as he entered the room with the new recruit, Kalani didn’t even bat an eye as Krane passed behind her. She had met the young air bender her first day here, and despite fighting for the same goal, his relations to the fire nation caused her to be all the more distant. The Rising was full of diversity, and that included fire benders and fire nation natives, and while she would treat them cordially, it didn’t mean she had to be comfortable around these people. It was only a few months ago that her grandfather had been slaughtered at the hands of fire nation police, so Kalani believed she had every right to feel the way that she did. With time she knew her feelings would change, or at least thats what she had been told, but until then the water bender was going to stick to her ways and follow her gut. As Krane left the room with the new recruit, Kalani caught sight of Shila following after them out the door. Deciding to follow their lead instead of sticking around and doing nothing, she left her untouched food bowl along the table and exited to the streets of the Underground city with intentions to find something to do.