EDIT: Opened more spot! We have a second crew. This means we need another captain. The second captain will be sort of a second GM someone who would assist in creating the story. We two will talk about who and what will be done in the rp. The two crew will not meet in the first arc. But in the second and other we can plan things out. SO CAPTAIN NEEDED~ Searching for a crew. This rp is intended be 2+ post a week If I get 4 people interested I will post a OOC This rp is about the adventures of a space pirate crew. [hider= cast] There are a limit to the places for this rp. Captain - -Me Pilot- Engineer- Maid/Cook/Treasure keeper- Ships AI- Roles of each: The Captain Gives orders,set course, decide what will happen next. Ensure his crew safety at all cost. The Pilot Pilots in times of dangers, handles the ships weaponry. Helps in determining the course. Gives any needed information from scouting obtained. The Engineer Helps with repairing ship, hacks into the target ships. Determent if there is anything of worth plundering on the target. Takes care of hiding the crew identity and ship from spying eyes. Maid/Cook/Treasure keeper Helps the ship holding on a clean healthy surroundings, ensure the crew is eating properly.Assist with healt checks and assist with repairing. Determined the worth of the treasures, that arent technology. Knows multiple languages, even more worlds, and knows where what to sell or buy. Gathering of information from non technology sources . Ships AI The doctor of the ship, scout, entertainer, Know it all but says it if asked only. The Ai will have a interactive holographic form, while being on the ship. The AI guards the ship when there is no one on board. Auto piloting when times are calm. The AI ensures the needs of the human portion of the crew are all taken care of it, so they can work to their best. Is able to hack and transfer pieces of self into other computers. [/hider] [hider= history] 20000 years ago - Humans are idiots. 19900 years ago - First moon and mars colony on the verge of falling before they even existed properly. 19800 years ago - A discovery is made of observation a wandering comet. ''Its not a comet we dont know what it is, but we assume it looks like a comet to not to make space look ugly.'' 19500 years ago- It still unclear how it works, but its discovered how to press the start up button and how to dial, something. 18000 years ago- The big moving. Countless human were put in groups and being send off to make colonies all over the cosmos. 15000 years ago - The golden years humans spread out a lot, but no other intelligent life was discovered. Even less the remains of the aliens who made the Dialing. A few smaller wars were going on but mostly things were calm, with lots of traveling and trading. 12500 years ago - AI are becoming common. 11850 years ago - A virus spread. Countless humans die. 11800 years ago - AI take over the control attempting to shield humans and stop them from dying out. The big isolation started. 5000 years ago - Humans survived more or less, but the losses were big. Some colonies are praying to corrupt AI, some forgot how to use technology. Some colonies live under the big brother eye of a AI. Some colonies actually survived keeping their AIs clean and non corrupt. From this colonies the new era starts. They relearn the use of the Dialing, starting in a slow tempo to recover. But it wasnt easy. War over resources erupted. The were colonies who made warship but the humans died out, so full fleets of ships are coursing the space attacking and destroying anything. Just as much as full manufactures were build to mine build and transport things. All done by mindless robots, who kept on doing it. 1000 years ago - People start to create states, having some trading routes and fighting back. At this times even the corrupt AI started to send out their own ships out, some to go for invading, some for searching for more humans to put into their wing, some searching for help. First pirates became know. Today - The Pirate Era is in full going. They plunder the man-less ships, scavengers planets and colonies that were lost. Old technology is getting quite the worth on black markets. Still no sign of intelligent life beside humans...well not for too long. First hints start to appear, hints that humans arent alone. And those hints were found by Pirates who dared to go the furthers away. Some legendary pirates went even to the Dialings that were never used before. Those were inspiration for generations, the word about them spreading all over. [/hider] [hider= about Humans] Age- Its tripled, but it tripled by slowing down the aging process. The pregnancy last only 18 mounts, the baby start slowing in aging within the first year from 2 times slow to 3 times slow. You look like 10 you are 30 years old. The age of 30 became legal working age over the worlds. Names - There are two ways you may have been named. The old earth way with a first and last name. Only kept in the colonies that had luck to keep their level of technology. Its rare. The typical way named by Nickname and a number referring to the planet and a number of individual. Example Joker 2145-501 would probably say he is Joker from 501. Main language - English. But they may be countless evolution and changes creating new languages depending on the colony. Babies - Some places its done natural ways, some places its cloning and growing in tubes. Some places uses any two humans mix their genes and tube grow the baby. Tube born babies usually have a chip in their neck, holding their identity. On black market one can remove it. [/hider] Any questions? Drop them on me ^^