I'm staying out of this, but from the bits and pieces I've gathered, the fact that people are threatening this woman with rape and death threats (along with a few other notable individuals like that Feminist Frequency lady) highlights a way bigger issue than what people are up in arms about. It's disgusting. I don't care what these people did or didn't do, and yes people should be demanding changes in game journalism, but the fact that there's nobody speaking out against the fact that a huge chunk of the gaming population thinks it's acceptable to say that shit is wrong, just wrong. To me, the fact that there's people who are posting people's personal information, nude photos, forcing some of them to leave their homes, and basically reacting to women who earn their ire in such a way is a way bigger problem that needs to be addressed. Basic human rights and privacy shouldn't take a backseat to anything, ever. Now I'm sure someone here is going to half heartedly bleat about how most people aren't like that and then journalism angle is super important and blah blah blah, but I really don't care. There's a startling lack of humanity being shown by a lot of people who aren't being held accountable for both the venom coming out of their mouths and their actions. Whatever Zoe Quinn did didn't deserve this. It isn't justice and accountability when you take it beyond scrutinizing what she did as an industry figure and tear into her personal information and threaten her private life and physical well being. I really don't care how you try to justify it, it's fucking wrong and disgusting, period.