[quote=MiddleEarthRoze] Might I say, I love your name and picture XD [/quote] Name: Ruby Greenfoot Alias(s): She's not the most famous Meta but has recently stylized herself as "Potential Divide", strangely enough. Age: 18 Affiliations: Whoever pays, really. For that reason, she sticks to Mercs and Corporations. --- [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/211/c/3/c3dbbe3400a35733b6fca11010f85121-d596mab.png] --- Description: Standing at about five foot six, Ruby is just above average but is clearly no towering menace. She really doesn't need to be - in fact, being normal is precisely what she needs. There are a few flaws in that though - that being her eyes which seem to glow with a bright, lightning blue that one would certainly remember. If she really needs to, she'll cover those with contact lenses but due to her small string of crimes still having no evidence, she has never been revealed. Her hair is a light blond, her figure lithe and rather flexible with the build of a mediocre track-runner. She spends most of her time by herself so running away from people isn't always at the top of her priorities; as fun as it sounds. In terms of looks, she's not too bad - she has a rather devious smile that she occasionally arms herself with so she can be cute when she wants to. Emphasis on when she wants to. Powers: [b]Technopathy[/b] - There is a reason why Ruby prefers technology over people. That reason is probably because she's a self-certified queen of technology. Anything that is controlled by electricity (clockwork machines are a nightmare to her), can basically be directly influenced or even rewired to suit whatever demands she has; and those demands can number in the thousands. Similarly, computer programs are like her native tongue. She can bend them to her will, change them at will and make sure that they don't go against said will. All in all, she could give most large corporations nightmares with what information she could access. For that reason, she keeps her head very very low and makes sure that they don't have a particularly big reason to separate her efficient mind from her rather fine body. We're not just talking about willing her microwave to fight on, boldly into the fray. What we're talking about is control of machines that could make her one of the most infamous Metas on this side of the solar system. She could break governments, bend corporations to their knees in a holy crusade against capitalism or even make herself rich beyond counting. And what does she chose to do? Live in an apartment and attempt to make a super-computer. Duh! A supercomputer would not only be damn handy but with her skills, she could break into the most safest of system-protection. It just needs a long line of criminal activities to make it a reality. Every path has its hurdles, after all! More seriously, unlike other most Metas; Ruby's power can equally hinder her as much as it helps her. When she was a little younger, she had little to no control over her abilities and this resulted in some untimely deaths. Initially, she was too weak for her affect to have any control - occasionally, a toaster would short-circuit. However, as she got a little older and more powerful, it adapted into something that terrified her. Despite the power to do good she has, if has done a lot more evil. Not only did it affect others around her but it affected her as well. Heading out out to her Grandmother's (in the country) became virtually impossible as she would almost repeatedly fall in and out of consciousness due to the lack of electrics. She really had no idea what it was, but her body needed to be surrounded by the stuff otherwise it simply couldn't handle the gifts she has been burdened with. One of the main reasons why Ruby hasn't made herself publicly known is the threat to her from Metas who can temporarily prohibit abilities. Although she has only worked in theories and hunches, she has reckoned that if she is separated from her powers for at least a day or two then it could cause some serious damage to her. However, that's just something she has to live with and more than likely one of the reasons why she's a merc. The hots wouldn't purposely kill you if you explained what would happen but the mercs would chew her up and spit her out. For that reason, although pretty powerful, she's a useful Meta but not an overly strong one. She would more than likely lose in a fight and her only real option is running. Running away from things is something she's always done and more than likely, she'll continue to do so. --- Skills: Apart from being a pretty good runner, she doesn't have a very high skill-range. Most of what normal people would call skills just come naturally to her, like it was encoded deep inside of her. For that reason, she doesn't classify her programming or her electronics as a skill but more of a deeply-ingrained part of her that she'll never be able to forget; like riding a bike, or stealing a lot of electricity from the grid. She was a bit of an introvert when she was younger, technically, she still is, but her parents sent her out to summer camp once and she learnt some survival skills there. She also nearly died due to the lack of electronics and whenever she was made to go swimming... Yeah, she doesn't do very well in water or out of the city. Equipment: Tazers are a personal favourite of hers but she only carries one whenever going into some particularly risky situations. Apart from that, she carries a few other little robots of her design that can help in some way. She carries a few little drones that can go from temporarily blinding someone to attaching to their skin and applying a current or heat - either of which aren't exactly pretty. She also carries a few memory pens, due to random occasional needs and on one occasion, she was noted to have had a gun. Ranking: A