"Ah, no, see heavy armour won't do you any good! Sell it! Buy yourself lots of rope, chop down some wood, dig up some holes in the earth and make some punji traps. At the least you'll manage to inconvenience it." Hypatia chuckled at the disappointed looks on the men sat around her, crossing one leg over the other. She sat at the attention of a semicircle of people, men both young and old. She'd arrived in the town a few days prior, taking a few days to scope the area out in relative secrecy, until someone finally identified her this morning. Hypatia the Hunter, A Dragonslayer or some renown, had arrived in their town. Now she was getting questions, all about how one actually deals with dragons outside of being a superhuman Dragonslayer. "The armor would just hinder you. A dragon is a foe that simply does not care about how heavy a humans armor is, they can crush you with or without it. If anything, it would just make the encounter..." She paused, her single eye flicking from face to face. "Drag on." Silence. Hypatia brought a hand to her chin, eye shut with an all-too proud smile on her face. That pun never got old. As usual, her audience didn't appreciate the comedy gold. She cleared her throat, getting back to the point. "Humans need to use numbers and smarts to take down a singular dragon. The fantasy of a normal human taking on a dragon with nothing but steed and steel is just that - a fantasy. But that's why I'm here, I guess." The veteran Dragonslayer brought her hand to the back of her head, rubbing her silver hair. The air around her was relaxed, befitting the inn. Hypatia absorbed herself in the questions and curiosities of the locals, engaging them in casual conversation and trying her best to answer them. She always made a point of getting to know a local populace, to try and steer them in the right directions when dealing with Dragons. Because, at the end of the day, it'd take more than just a few Dragonslayers to completely get rid of the draconic threat in Ahlunda for good. Everyone needed to chip in.