Brittle leaves cracked beneath his armored boots, leaving a wake of leafy destruction behind him. His metal-layered gauntlet breaking through the branches blocking the way as he marched through the forest. Sunlight streamed through the gaps in the forest ceiling, creating small pockets of light in the otherwise pitch black. Howls and the chattering of bugs punctually breaking the silence, seeking to strike fear into him. Gritting his teeth, Drake approached his task with a vigor smashing away at the branches forging his own path through the wild. As he marched he stared into the darkness, the yellow eyes still following him, always watching. They blinked periodically, reassuring him that they were in fact a reality. Then they were gone and a deathly silence followed their disappearance. Nothing could be heard but the death of millions of leaves and branches that lay in his path. He paused resuming the silence and pulled his Falchion from it's scabbard, a loud noise greeting him as it's edge glided along effortlessly against the polished steel. Grinning, he grabbed some tinder and placed it on the flat of his blade. Next, he grabbed a piece of flint and struck it forcefully against the flat. The fire burst alive in the darkness revealing everything around him for only a few seconds before dying as it's essence was pulled into the blade. It glowed lazily, the lack of strength in the fire causing the glow to be very dim. It was enough for him though, holding the blade before him like a torch he walked towards the next pocket. The silence remained for the entirety of his journey, not a single sound escaped the forest except his. He felt alone, immensely alone. Frowning, he allowed himself to bathe in the light of the next pocket. It felt divine, not in a spiritual way but rather a physical feeling. He stood silently in the light, his armor reflecting it into the recesses of the forest. The shadows clawed their way from the trees, finally breaking free from the grasps of darkness and returning once more fitting themselves to the temporary light. He stepped out from the light and they immediately dispersed. The shadows retaking their territory. Drake sighed and walked away from the heart of the forest. Due west he could probably find the road, though he may be strong he could no longer handle the deafness of the forest. As he walked, he hummed to himself the tune of the infamous song in his home town, 'O' Warrior of Vale'. A light in the distance grew brighter as he walked, since it was not from above it was most likely the exit to the forest. He smiled to himself, perhaps the shortcut was in fact worth it. He marched the rest of the distance patiently and pushed himself through the outgrowth and into the land brightened by the sun. It was a wonderful feeling after being in the darkness for so long, he allowed himself to stand there for a few more seconds soaking in it before taking a note of his surroundings. There was apparently a brawl on the road, presumably bandits since they were surrounding a carriage. Pulling a pipe from his pouch he lit it carefully with his sword (Then extinguished it) and breathed in. Moments later, he blew out a small ring of smoke. He could help, it would be the right thing to do. However, what kind of man would waste the duration of his pipe? He mockingly waved at the group, (It would be hard for them to see him anyway since he was so far away but at least he acknowledged them.) before continuing to travel parallel to the road along the forest outskirts occasionally taking a drag from the pipe. What a wonderful day for a trip to Irontown, hopefully they'd finished his new gear.