"Jesus," Bobby chuckled. Luc must have been in an immense amount of pain, snatching at the bottle of pain killer like an animal swiping at it's prey. "Just don't take too many. We're going to need those in the future." She sat back on the dirt ground, fiddling with the wild plantation. She frowned at Luc's question. "We just went in for the first aid kit...I dont think we can get back in again. Half of the ship started to tip just as we were getting off. As far as food and water goes, I'm sure there must be plants or small creatures somewhere on this island. I'd assume there'd be a spring as well. But, of course, we'd have to travel quite a distance inland for these things. But it beats risking your life to climb that god forsaken ship," she said, having bitter feelings towards the ship that now, took her fairly normal life and twisting it inside out. She couldn't think of getting off the island yet - more important and urgent things were at hand. But, once they were dealt with, the question would surely arise of when and how they would return home. Or even if they would return.