Whee~ [list] [*][b]Name[/b]: Tamara Winters[/*] [*][b]Age[/b]: 17[/*] [*][b]Gender[/b]: Female[/*] [*][b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://sta.sh/0170rxqlksux]"Let's kick it into overgear!"[/url][/*] [*][b]Personality[/b]: At heart, Tamara is an idealist. She holds a deep, strong belief that there is good in everyone, and that justice will always prevail over injustice. However, she's not unwilling to fight for her ideals, and is well aware that her worldview might rub others the wrong way. But as she sees it, it doesn't matter if she ends up making enemies; that's just a sign that she's actually stood up for her beliefs, after all. Whilst this all seems rather profound, the truth behind her reaching these conclusions marks her out as a massive dork: she is actually rather nerdy, and a huge fan of hero-related media such as fantasy novels, roleplaying games, and those live action Japanese shows were men in brightly coloured spandex hit rubber monsters with plastic weapons. Her love of overblown heroics even spreads to her musical tastes (her genre of choice is power metal) and her sense of fashion; she always tries her best to dress in cool, fancy clothes, like a hero would.[/*] [*][b]History[/b]: There... Honestly isn't much to say. Tamara is just your average (albeit rather nerdy) girl. Growing up in Britain, her life up to this point has been relatively boring and uneventful, the most exciting thing being that she's taken lessons in Lau Gar Kung Fu for about five years now, and guitar lessons for almost twice as long. Other than that, she's not really done much of note; actually, it kind of bores her how mundane and average her life is. If only there was someone who needed a hero to save them...[/*] [*][b]Skills[/b]: Above average intelligence and atheleticism; Tamara's grades aren't anything special, but she's not exactly stupid. She is somewhat skilled in martial arts, and her kick is a force to be reckoned with. Were she not about to be sucked into a fantasy world, Tamara would probably be trying to form a band right now, as both her guitar playing and singing voice are superb.[/*] [*][b]Maou Arts[/b]: [Tokusatsu] [Fashion] [Martial Arts] [Heavy Metal] [RPGs][/*] [/list]