[center][b][u]Arc One: Corpse Collector[/center][/b][/u] [img=http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20120311/cityscapes%20night%20city%20lights%201680x1050%20wallpaper_www.wall321.com_96.jpg] --- [b][center]“Attention all players. I, the Black King, ruler of the Ebony Strykers, am allowing any and all to join my Guild. This will be the first time I have done so in the entirety of Deep Ground’s launch. Please, choose your allies wisely.”[/b][/center] That message had been relayed all over Deep Ground in the last day or so, and those curious enough to venture into the matter further would no doubt be replaying those exact words through their links all around the world. The world…it had changed so much….how did it become like this? When did the future become entirely reliant on some stupid video game? And yet, that was how it always was. And that was how it would always be. Now and forever more. These thoughts swirled and bickered in the mind of a certain individual; the one who had sent that very same message in fact. Any and all people to freely join her Guild….what was she thinking? Did countless years of tradition and experience not teach her anything? Not a single thing? Were the words of her mentor, the one granted title of the former Black King, wasted on her? Yes…and no. Things had changed. Times had changed. There was no doubt in her mind that the adults of their society cared little for her endeavourers; and indeed, most people past the age of 19 had deleted her calling card from their own links, grumbling about the damned game and going about their own predetermined lives. But the players…they were what really mattered to her. A game without players was no game at all. It was a mindless sport. Knowing she was well secured in her hidden location, she closed her eyes to concentrate. The afternoon sun had begun to wane slightly, and school had just let out the youth of tomorrow into the end of a radiant Thursday. People both online and in real life would either be gathering to formulate new plans and strategies, or test their hand against fate and play alone. Purple Crown Academy usually had massive centers within the building for these gatherings, although she preferred to stay away from the rest. It really was better this way. Realizing that she had stalled long enough, the girl willed herself to give into the global link that connected everyone’s brains to the World Interface. It wouldn’t be long now and…. [center]3[/center] [center]2[/center] [center]1[/center] She opened her eyes to see a darkened city surrounded by a low mist around her, encompassing all within her view. A place that remained enigmatic in the massive map of Faded City ever since the program’s initial launch. A flashing screen that only she could see appeared over her head for a few brief seconds. [center][b]Welcome, Moon Rider-Black King[/b][/center] Black King. Yes, the full gravity of her earlier actions now weighed heavily on her. Players from far and wide would finally gain the chance to join the elusive Black King and her Ebony Stryker Guild. Having followed the rulings of the previous Ruler, she had never allowed any player to join, cutting them down if they ever dared. But now….things were different. Turning around, she found a lone throne that was so dark, it almost glimmered in the low light. Her District. Always cold and empty. No one dared to hunt or dual in the city with pristine black glass on the buildings, reflecting all things. Perhaps that would change? Yes…perhaps it would. Placing herself on her throne, she crossed her legs and rested her cheek onto her pale knuckles. Dressed in a long coat that was as black as her long hair, the girl’s tinged red eyes narrowed. A sheathed katana rested on the side of her throne, as if the weapon itself was lazy. Now she would wait. Now she would bide her time and welcome anyone, regardless of rank or Guild, with open arms. And then…then the Black King would begin the journey towards her ambitions