Hey, I was bored an thought about the Head of Aperture Labs and what he might be like so here's my take on the man of the hour Name: Doctor David Micheal Taylor Alias(s): Age: 27 Affiliations: Corporate. Description: [IMG]http://covermenmag.com/jeromeadamoli/pixint/j1.jpg[/IMG] Powers: Unknown Skills: Doctorates : Astrophysics, Physics and Engineering Non-Doctorate : Computer programing, Research, Public Speaking, Auto mechanics, Robotics, History, Piloting (Helicopter, Multi engined plane and Bush), Offensive driving, Kick Boxing, Krav maga, Tai Chi, Para sailing, Running and swimming. Equipment: N/A (He's filthy rich so it could be almost anything money can buy) Ranking: Unknown Brief History: Mike as he likes being called was born in Salem Mass. His parents are both deceased dying when he was three. A ward of the state till at the age of 12 while attending MIT he won his emancipation. Mike's IQ is beyond normal testing and the reason her received his first Doctorate at the age of 14. He started Aperture Labs on a government grant he received and has been rapidly building it for the past 6 years.