[quote=Deserted] Sorry, I was taking it to mean that you were going to show us around and an "I follow" wasn't needed. [/quote] I was just waiting to see if there was any reaction to what Karadar said. Maybe an opportunity to show the quirks of characters. Also Deserted, DO NOT break the 4th wall. This is a comedy, but we are not supposed to break the 4th wall! Treat your characters as if they are real (just very eccentric and/or dimwitted). Also, I don't think you should've attacked RabidAnubis like that. I understand it may have been for laughs, but I don't think he will find it funny. And I WILL NOT stand for an internet fight breaking out between you two. I swear I will kick both of you out if that happens... The main point is, I encourage you to make jokes. You are allowed to make fun of the characters within the universe (no breaking of the 4th wall). But do not make fun of the roleplayers themselves. I guess I'll have to put down some actual rules then... In the meantime, I suggest you change your IC post, Deserted. [quote=ReaptheMusic] *Character application*[/quote] Yeah, we could definitely use some people :). The application looks good. It doesn't match up with the elemental Knight description, but given her "unusual" powers, I suppose there could be an exception. Besides, I think the hyperactivity is enough to display her physical strength (Maybe she should be talkative. As that seems more fitting). She will instead, develop a personality like the other Elemental Knights IF she attempts to master the other forms of the elements. If any of the other players has an objection or suggestion, just speak your mind. If I may make a suggestion though, we can say Elizabeth was never officially admitted into Excalibur Guild, and instead sneaked in, found Libra Squad, and pretended to be a late addition to the team. You don't have to do it like that if you'd like a different method. I'm just offering an idea