"Yep...." Felix said to himself raising a hand to shade his eyes from the bright sun to get a great view of the looming mountain and the town that lived in its shadow. He could make out the few bellows of fire and smoke from the various cave mouths and mine shafts in the stone giant clearly now. "Definitely a dragon nest. Lovely, I didn't come all this way on rumors alone." he said quite pleased with himself. "Should only be a few more leaps till I'm at its edge." And with that statement his brief moments at the apex of his bounding leap had ended and he began to plummet to the ground. Felix could count the time he spent in the air with each jump in minutes if he really put his back into it, and thus it became his preferred method of travel when he was on his own. Inhuman jumps easily covered more ground for him than sprinting forward. It was less effort for it allowed him to bypass twists in paths and such, able to jump over most obstacles with relative ease. Which had come in quite handy, Irontown was a great ways from where his last job had been. A costal town that had a minor sea serpent problem preventing ships to enter or leave their harbor. The sea being very far from the more mountainous region, he was afraid with even his traveling advantages he would not make it before other dragonslayers did and managed the problem themselves. As the rush of air increased as he fell closer and closer to the ground he gripped his massive great spear in anticipation. If there were as many dragons as they said it would be a invigorating job indeed. He glanced down at the ground to make sure his landing area was clear of anything troublesome only to see a group of people engaged in some kind of conflict. He squinted his eyes to better make out what the commotion was till he saw the glint of armor and what was most certainly a dragonslayers greatsword. "Ah, lovely, I won't be the last one to arrive it seems. But what on earth is going on there?" As his decent brought him even closer he could make out more details. It was two dragonslayers in fact, and a group of bandits her presumed. Those classless jerks always tended to gather about unfortunate situations like this. He scowled at the very thought of the cut thoughts, not even proper thieves just thugs with no morals. Felix returned his attention to the dragonslayers taking note of their equipment to see if he had any idea who they were. He was fairly sure the one with the greatsword was one of some renowned. "What was that one lady dragon slayers name...Rose? Violet? Oh I know it was something floral... not that he was all that great with names, if he hadn't worked with you personally it was unlikely he'd be able to readily recall who you were. He raised an eyebrow as wolves became involved and what he could only assume was a third dragonslayer showed up "Oh my, more fellow slayers. Perhaps I won't be jumping the rest of the way if they are good company." Now his falling had brought him in earshot of the confrontation and he heard the other male dragonslayer call her Lily "AH!" he exclaimed loud enough for the group to hear him. Second after he landed on the ground, just outside the circle of bandits. The impact kicked up a short lived cloud of dust as he straighten himself up to standing and heaving his impossibly large spear against one shoulder "Lily was the name. That one girl who killed her first dragon so young. I wondered why you seemed familiar." He began to dust himself off with his free hand hardly paying attention to the bandits "Don't mind me." he said casually "I'm sure you three have this well in hand. Three dragonslayers against one group of bandits hardly seems fair. I'll step in if they give you too much trouble but I doubt that'll be much the case."