I suppose it's time for someone with considerably greyer morality. --- [img=http://i.imgur.com/Cczcg6W.png] --- [b]Name:[/b] Evelyn Rose [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female --- [hider=Appearance]As shown in the first picture, Evelyn is a bishoujo of decent height at 170 cm, just shorter than most guys. She is quite beautiful and uses it to her advantage. The first picture is her regular human form, and the second is meant to be a future demonic appearance. [img=http://i.imgur.com/YKUQGu4.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/gvmeW2w.jpg][/hider] --- [hider=Personality]A pampered princess - unused to hardships or suffering, however capable of tremendous growth and fortitude. Evelyn carries the certain confidence of one who is used to having everything, but is incredibly lacking in actual life experience. Her pride refuses to admit weakness or to allow anyone, except those who become extremely close to her, to know her true inner feelings. As one with great intellect, Evelyn analyses everything around her and always plans ahead. While she always does things for what she believes to be the “greater good”, she is quite unscrupulous in her methods, impartial to underhand tricks or even outright treachery. Socially, Evelyn is quite charming and knows how to get along with others. Quite outgoing and approachable, she also usually takes the initiative to approach others in order to make friends. Always smiling, Evelyn is a positive influence and at the same time always hides her own thoughts and feelings. However, despite her ability to maintain an iron pokerface mask, Evelyn is very emotional and quite capable of breaking. She gets upset like anyone else, but doesn’t show it, and she gets especially frustrated when things don’t work out as planned. Often, she will vent her anger through physically and verbally lashing out. Her temper is controllable up to a certain point where it explodes.[/hider] --- [hider=History]Born to a rich old British family and one of the heirs to the Rose Conglomerate (a massive fictional company specializing in all areas), Evelyn always had everything she wanted. She is unused to the life of commoners and instead was sent to private girls’ academies. Every part of her upbringing was to train her to become a proper lady and upstanding executive for the Conglomerate.[/hider] --- [hider=Skills]Somewhat lazy and not fond of physical exertion or sweat (thinking the latter as quite disgusting), Evelyn is very lacking in strength and stamina. “Brains over brawn” however, and Evelyn is a person of great intelligence, both academic and street smarts. She is perceptive and analytical, able to make sense of things going on quite quickly. Her adaptability and quick thinking lets her into a position where she can attempt to take control of a fast-changing situation and make swift but well-made decisions on the spot. Evelyn is a natural born leader. She is also very manipulative and can figure people out easily. She knows how to interact with others, knows what to talk about, knows when to laugh, all while analysing the other person’s personality and inclinations. Being from a well-off family with fine, almost traditional, upbringing, Evelyn is highly trained and also talented in the arts. She can sing and is proficient in a great number of instruments. Her musical experience allows her to also learn new and unfamiliar instruments easily. Her visual art skills are also quite magnificent, enough that her artwork has won some competitions and been sold in minor auctions.[/hider] --- [hider=Maou Skills][Charm] Starts off being able to influence people with her words, and may eventually develop into full-on mind control. Does not work on people with magical powers like Heroes or other Demon Lords (maybe at some point and will require some condition to be met like a kiss or something, but for now it has no effect on these kind of people). [Deception] Illusion magic. Begins as simple glamour which creates disguises and tricks the mind of others. [Music] Typical bard class powers, basically. Capable of both buffs and debuffs, but eventually moves onto actual magical attacks and techniques. Also used to boost the power of her other abilities.[/hider] --- I liek my apps all pwetty and nice.