While others travelled the road to Irontown, confronting the dangers that came with travelling in Ahlunda, Feron sat in the town’s inn. He had arrived a few days prior and though he knew of the presence of other Dragonslayers, their numbers were still too few. Two, possibly three, stood in the inn with him; Hypatia surrounded by residents and a knight encased in plate, possibly a Dragonslayer; and another male with a gargantuan battle-axe at his side. He could just barely hear the talk between the veteran Dragonslayer and the town’s resident, but its contents did interest him slightly. While some dragons were no doubt intelligent enough to avoid simple traps like the female knight had mentioned, quite a few of the reptilian creatures he had faced seem no more than mere beasts; capable of great destruction but without intellect. He finished the rest of his meal, mopping up the bowl with a piece of bread, before he finally stood up. While he didn’t quite scrap the building’s ceiling, he came fairly damn close. Walking over to the counter with measured steps, he set a few coins on it and muttered a gruff, “Thanks.” Looking around the room once more, if he made eye contact with any of his fellow Dragonslayers he’d offer them a small nod to acknowledge their presence. They, and any others that arrived, would need to cooperate if the dragon threat was to be driven from Irontown. With that in mind, he made for the exit, ducking his head under the lower doorway as he stepped outside. Dragonbreaker leaned against the inn’s wall, its heavy head having already sunk into the dirt. Wrenching it free of the earth’s grasp with a small grunt, he gave the weapon a small shake to clear off the dirt before he slung it over his shoulder. He supposed he would do much the same as he had done the previous days he had been in town. Wander and patrol Irontown in case any bandits or dragons tried their luck with the settlement. Hopefully he would also see a few more Dragonslayers arrive. While rumor took time to spread, and travelling to this settlement was not a quick task by any means, even Feron couldn’t help but feel his stomach tumble a bit when he looked up at the mountain and saw the forms that flew about it. He had killed his fair share of dragons, and as such had a healthy respect for the creatures. Going against them outnumbered was certainly something he would like to avoid if at all possible. If the current rate at which his kind arrived at the town persisted though, then it seemed inevitable such a situation would come to pass. He could only sigh at such a thought before he began to walk.