I found a potential mistake in my stats while trying to decide what my orders were going to be. I think the stats I'm being given at the start of this RP are actually the stats from the first update (that never happened) in Stein's version. I know (or think I do) because some of the stats are reflective of some of the orders I sent in that RP. For example, one of my orders for it was to reduce the number of conscripts from 200,000 to 150,000. In this new RP, I'm starting with 150,000 conscripts instead of 200,000 like I did in the last. Another thing is my income/debt. I remember sending an order in the last RP to try to stop the income decline. And I guess it worked, 'cause in this RP, my debt is significantly less. In the last RP, it was 34mil. In this one, it's 24mil. This suggests, to me, that you got my starting stats mixed up with my Turn #1 stats from the last RP (that were never posted because the written part of the update was never finished). You can compare Austria's stats in Stein's thread with the ones in this one to see for yourself. I realize this works against me, but I figured it'd be douchey to keep quiet. It also kinda messes me up because the orders I planned to send are pretty much the same orders I used in the last RP. With these new stats, some of those orders are unnecessary (like lowering conscript numbers). So I'm currently on-hold as to what to make my orders. Hopefully the time doesn't tick away. EDIT: If it's decided I'll just get the old stats and I'm not around (I'm still sick), then please just use the same orders from the last RP.