[center]-=When the seeds of [Hope] blossom in the fertilizer of the [Flesh], the world will [Rise]=-[/center] [quote][center][b][i]Fire washes the Skin from the Bone and the Sin from the Soul, and my momma didn’t raise no Dirty boy[/i][/b][/center][/quote] [center]Congratulations! You have survived the worst of times whence you had once lived at the best of times.[/center] [quote][img=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/310/3/1/hong_kong_ruins_by_jonasdero-d4jh9ny.jpg] “All is as if the world did cease to exist. The city's monuments go unseen, its past unheard, and its culture slowly fading in the dismal sea.” Nathan Maher[/quote] [center]You now understand the rapid growth of science was inevitably going too far past the capacity of your ancestor's moral base. You can also claim you are far more versed in killing diseased [i]homo-sapiens[/i] than any generation before you. Diseased homo-sapiens? Oh, I meant zombies, the one saving grace to your gory lifesty-- What do you mean; "I never asked for this"? Bull. Shit. You love smashing heads in, and we all know it.[/center] [quote][img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Wtq3oQdYDoE/Ux1XFxCb2MI/AAAAAAAAA-g/1t2iCxkdOUw/s1600/surviving+train.jpg] “Apocalypse is a frame of mind. A belief. A surrender to inevitability. It is a despair for the future. It is the death of hope.” -Jim Butcher[/quote] [center]Well anyway, your golden days of zombie massacre are over, you have evolved to survive in this disheveled world but you look towards the massive towers of bent steel and broken glass and you know that glorious days are to come. The zombie threat is no longer urgent, there are only so many brains to poke holes in. No, your generation has turned their sites to infrastructure and the glorious days of the past. Not that past, the past before that past. Yea, the one where your ancestors were creating teleportation prototypes and shit. I really don't care how stupid you are, you're making me a god damn potato blender. Wait...is that a thing? Fine, fine. I do expect great things from your bunch, the generations before you didn't pass down modern knowledge just so you could forget it. Now away with you! You have many things to do to return Earth to its once glorious splendor. [/center] [quote][img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/135/0/1/tokyo_ruins_by_jonasdero-d5f8m66.jpg] “Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.” -Robert Frost[/quote] [b]-=Premise=-[/b] This is a futuristic take on the common idea of the Zombie Apocalypse, though it's more of a Post-Zombie Apocalypse. The ancient days were the days before the Zombie virus infected a majority of the human population. There are still plenty of zombies, but they aren't quite as threatening, individually. -={You}=- (You can pick and choose what you look like and what your armor will be. Some examples.) [hider=Heavy Armor][img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/334/1/d/post_apocalypse_by_onestepart-d5mn47o.jpg][/hider][hider=Hooded Armor][img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/191/1/1/last_of_us_by_fightpunch-d6ctvtw.jpg][/hider][hider=Hammerhead][img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/22/5c/ca/225cca27ee7640f760f567f2f2ef9d81.jpg][/hider][hider=Gas Mask][img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/58/20/0d/58200dee70b550570da0358c487565e5.jpg][/hider] Named “Defaecos”, you are the zombie killer, the soldier, the enforcer, and the leader. As a Defaeco, you are one of the few in the world capable of using armor and weapons of ancient times, now referred to as Artifacts. Defaecos are ranked by class. A "Class A" Defaeco would be able to use just about any Artifact they wish, a "Class E" Defaeco would be limited to more basic weapons and armor, though still extremely effective compared to the newly made make-shift weapons that barely surpass the 17th century. [Note: You can also take on a normal survivor though you'll be at a bit more of a disadvantage as you will not be able to arm yourself with Artifacts] [hider=CS] Image/Appearance: [Pictures preferred (obviously I'm very picture oriented) but describing their appearance will work as well] Name: [Fairly Straightforward] Gender: [Again Fairly Straightforward (I'd hope, though it's okay if it's not...I think)] Age: [Come on cupcake, I know you can get this one. Try to avoid becoming a mass of teen Defaecos, vary yourself] Artifact: [What is their family heirloom?] History: [This can be as tragic, or happy- simple, or complicated- long, or short- as you like. I expect at-least one paragraph here] Personality: [What're they like, how do they act, how cool is their head when they get into a fight? About a paragraph for this as well] Skills: [What are they especially good at, are they specialized or are they well rounded, think about a party system. The tank, the DPS, or the healer?] Random Talent: [What's something they're good at? It can be anything from being able to play piano to making art composed of decayed zombie limbs] [/hider] -=Artifacts=- Artifacts are family heirlooms handed down from generation to generation. The DNA restricted weapons require military heritage from ancient times. Selective breeding is an increasingly common practice as if the militaristic blood becomes too subdued, your children may not be able to use the Artifacts you so carefully covet. Different Artifacts are at different tiers, ranked in efficiency in killing. A basic suit of armor or rail-gun will likely be usable by any soldier DNA saved in the weapon's database, whereas a prototype Gauss rifle might require a higher ranking or classification. Armed with an Artifact you reach a new level of ascension. Sure, getting stabbed in the gut or having your shoulder torn away by worn away gums will still mess you up, but you can also become a literal killing machine, if you're guard doesn't go down, you are the most powerful entity on the world, that is, besides other Defaecos. Oh yeah, that's a problem too. Defaecos are the bargaining chip, the measurement system for power, the definition of civilization currency. Where there is a concentration of Defaecos, there is a concentration of civilization, which also means there'll be plenty of fighting. Most tech in the RP will be fairly futuristic, such as exoskeleton armors and magnetic weapons such as a Gauss rifle. The power of the tech is in wide variety. The Artifacts will be low consumption killing machines as well as certain recovered/modified lifestyle materials, such as cars, lifts, and water purifiers. Most things that have lasted 100 years are in very rough shape and new items for survival created from the rubble are both rugged and widely primitive. -=Factions=- There are two large factions warring in the Southeastern region of China: [hider=The NORA]New Order of Reverse Ascendancy [img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/315/1/9/moscow_ruins_by_jonasdero-d5kl162.jpg] These guys believe that repeating the past is the worst things they could possibly do. They want to keep it the way it is with primitive infrastructure and a spartan lifestyle. They have become used to the daily survival of their lives and new inventions and discoveries only bring ambiguity and uncertainty. The NORA have become the leading military strength and have a practical Spartan society. They work to maintain their way of life by sabotaging the progress of other civilizations, however abrasively. Imperialistically based militant faction. [/hider] [hider=The REC]Restoration Engineering Corps [img=http://www.constructionweekonline.com/pictures/gallery/Projects/Masdar-City.jpg] The REC are more focused on the return to the glory at which humanity once stood, with towering buildings and intricate technology all lost to the abrasive sands of time. They want to return to what humanity was once like, with its feats of glory and its advanced medical prowess. The schools, the courthouses, the governmental agencies, the fleets, the countries, nations, the high speed cars, the armored tanks, the massive second dimension of the internet. Those were the stuff of dreams and the REC will work to achieve what was once all of humanity's. The REC aren't quite as powerful as the NORA are in the means of Defaecos, but they are able to compensate with massive walls and new designs that give them a bit of an edge over NORA as they further develop their re-found technology.[/hider] -=What do?=- You can practically do anything to build yourself up as well as the community you are apart of. You can join one of the factions, you can lone-wolf it, or you can create your own little faction (Try to be logical with it). The goal for characters is to live out lives individually with their own goals and aspirations. Where they treat zombies as insects (unless they get into tight situations) and can rebuild what was once a glorious civilization, now shrouded in mystery and tall-tales. In a world where the sun begins to shine and the eyes turn towards the tips of the overgrown monuments to ancient society, what will you do? Elaboration will occur in OOC, that being said, who’s in?