Daniel was inside Deep Ground, parkouring his way across his guild's section of the city. An announcement from the Black King, reputed for not allowing anyone to join the Ebony Strykers since anyone could remember, saying that anyone was now free to enter? That kind of news was too momentous to ignore. When Daniel heard it, he couldn't stay still. He needed to move around, discharge his excess energy. Already he was making his way to the Ebony Strykers city. He may already be in another guild, but that didn't mean he could pop in for a visit... or two... or several. --- Michelle was also in Deep Ground right now, walking around the building where she and her 3 advisors were currently discussing business. The "business" was mainly about the Black King's announcement. "Such momentous news! The times are changing, indeed," said one advisor, a Brawler using the Tank spec. "Perhaps we should go visit the dark city ourselves, or at the very least, send a scouting party," said another, this one a Wizard with the Sorcerer spec. "Nonsense, it's not right! It's [i]completely[/i] against protocol!" said the third, who was an Assassin with the Shinobi spec. "Think of the repercussions such an act would cause!" "[b]Shut up[/b], all of you," Michelle said, raising her hand to interrupt. "I have listened to you all, and I feel that Force has a point." At those words, the Sorcerer named Force smiled, while the Shinobi quickly interjected. "But my lady, the violation of-" was all he got out before Michelle interjected herself. "I am well aware of the unsaid agreement between the guilds, Enigma. However, this announcement is too large to ignore. It completely overrides that agreement. Would you not agree?" Michelle said. The Shinobi Enigma wrinkled his nose in distaste, and said, "I can understand being curious, but my lady, the agreement was placed for a reason, surely!" Michelle responded, "Of course it was, as it has been there for as long as the Ebony Strykers has remained member-less. And now the times are changing. Who's to say whether the agreement has any weight at all anymore?" She then pointed at Enigma and said, "Also, I keep telling you, stop calling me 'my lady'! I would prefer that you call me 'Star'." The Tank chuckled, then said, "It seems Star has her mind set. You'd better give up hope on the so-called 'protocal', Enigma." Enigma glared at the Tank and said, "Shut up, Brick," then turned his attention back to Michelle, sighing, and said, "Very well, then, my lady, we will do things your way." Michelle smiled, though slightly miffed at the words "my lady", and said, "Wonderful. Now then, here is what we'll do."