Cremutus stood as the last of the dregs of the imperial ship scuttled away. Dogs with their tails between their legs. He reloaded his Bolter, having only three rounds left was a recipe for disaster when another mob of ratings could arrive at any moment. Cremutus reengaged his emotional response system and ran a diagnostic for his armor and weapons Swiftly accessing the ship wide vox network Cremutus announced “I have broken the defense of the cargo hold choke points, All available Astartes and Humans follow me as I advance on the enginerium.” Walking forward towards the lander the Warpsmith stopped by the dead officer and picked up his vox bead. Quickly reprogramming it to accept one of the ancient Astartes channels. He called up to the man in the cat walks, “Human, come here and take this. We can remain in contact as we advance into their ship.” he wondered how the officer died for a quarter of a second, he was not shot by las nor bolt... After speaking more words in just a few seconds than he had in a number of years, Cremutus quickly lapsed into silence. He began to look for any usable items near the Arvus. At a glance he found an auto cannon, some grav-chutes, a handfull of krak and frag missiles and a pair of launchers. Deciding quickly how he might sabotage the engine of the imperial ship, He bend over and picked up a launcher and the missiles, noting the rest for servitor use or for the humans of the crew. He placed the vox bead down on the Arvus's hull. Cremutus then began to methodically make his was to the enginerium, keeping an eye out for ambushes and snipers.