Rorik watched as several souls seemed to break from the crowd and stand by his side, but he knew it was less his side, and more so their's. He understood that they were most likely protecting themselves then him, but nonetheless he acknowledged their steadfast nature. The one male even turned to speak with Rorik, in question of his name. Rorik found this irritably ironic, but answered anyway, to his nature. "I am Rorik, and you?" He asked never turning his head, but nodding as he spoke to give a signal that he had been listening and was returning it. Rorik's hand tightened around his shield and hammer as the Knights of Cold Harbor thickened at the gate and Rorik took a step forward, almost with a slight stomp in his leading foot. The Knights felt angered, but also afraid as well, their plan a foul and their reputation was now uncertain among the people at the very least. Rorik had caused a questionable scene, and no doubt many pondered his sanity, but who wouldn't in this death game., it wasn't uncommon for many to lose their sanity in a world where you are left to fight a game's creation for the sake of your life. The crowd behind the Knights seemed to shift slightly, like a pool of water beginning to shimmer from side to side, and swirl under the wind or the movement of something. The crowd finally let an uproar bust above the Knights like a wave against the shore. The men, women, and children of the raid party were finally fed-up with the Guild's waiting and forced their mass through the Knights' line of defense and met Rorik and the others just a few feet from the Knights. The men and woman of the guild were shocked, and while not all of the people believed Rorik's words about the plan, the few that did made sure to send the Knights a good message as they were forced through the horde of people and out of the back, now clear across the mass of players. The whole floor's raid party now stood ready, as they should have days ago, and they raised their weapons into the air for all to see, and their voices rained through the air as their signature. Rorik was no leader, and he certainly wasn't a public speaker, but he felt a word for all, at least this time intentional words for all to hear, would be wise. "Cover the anger and ravenous rage, make it a part of your power! Pummel'em down, let your bloodlust engage! Under your force they will cower! Feelin' the fury so pure and so bright! Breaking the bonds of surrender, under the moon for our home we will fight! His words were bellowed over the horde and through the swamp as he thrusted his hammer into the air and raised his shield in honor of those around him. He began to mumble under his breath a moment with a few words.[i]"And we will defend her."[/i] Though he quickly rose his voice into a thunder once more for the people to hear. "And my voice is my violence! Clear the Sky's frozen tears! And no more we'll be silent!" He screamed and shook his hammer in an attempt to rally the party of people and then he lowered his weapon and turned his head to each of the people that had taken his side near the gate. "If we survive, your courage was not in vain." He spoke lowly and directly to those who stood stalwart against the guild with him, and a slight grin curled in the right side of his lips. He then turned and braced his right foot to the right half of the large, double doors and forced his body weight and strength forward to kick ajar the door. The other slowly swung open as it no longer had the other half to hold it in place and Rorik stepped forward into the room. The room had no ceiling and was an empty courtyard with little more then a few piles of rubble next to the outer walls which caged the courtyard in a square. In the center there was a massive, round pool of water settled where the was most likely a fountain in days of old, but now it was gone, replaced with green colored, miniature lake that seemed stagnant and void of life. It was too dark, and too murky, to see how deep it went, but it was at the very least as tall as any one of the players present and it was about two-hundred feet in diameter. After everyone stopped focusing on the stagnant water, their eyes were averted to the walls, piles of carved stone and swamp vines that lined the supposed lair, there was nothing but muck, grime, sweat, and the most annoying virtual insects man could have invited in the room, but somehow, Rorik knew it was not as easy as it seemed. [center][i][b]"Once more into the Fray... Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and Die on this day... Live and Die on this day...[/b][/i][/center] He spoke under his breath, almost as if this were his prayer, but he did this at each Boss fight, and he meant it each time as well. He was more then ready to die fighting these beasts, and he would happily accept a death here,in the game, then anywhere else.