Ogen was alarmed as Darian knocked out Tama, one of her guards. "What is the meaning of this, Darian-kun!?" Ogen seethed as she pounded her sword on the ground. "Men... so barbaric. That's why I hate your kind." Ogen cursed as she sighed deeply. "Of course I would get mad, Darian-kun... She is talking filth and lies about my village, your village. Wouldn't you get mad if a traitor would begin to slander the people whom you love? Of course you will. I am just angered by her insolence against the good name of our village, of our home." Ogen replied as she sheathed the blade back into her umbrella. "Fine. Do what you want. Choose a traitor over the village that has protected and housed you. Know this, Darian, don't return to the village unless you have her head. I always thought you were honorable, Darian. It seems you were just all talk; beneath that suit of armor lies a hypocrite without a heart for those who have been there for him." Ogen threatened Darian as she turned around and left, ordering Tarou to carry Tama's unconscious body. "Thank you, gentlemen." Enma smiled as she sheathed her katana. "And Kane-kun, I'm a 'she', if you haven't noticed." Enma chuckled as she sat on the dusty floor. "Onward to Hache-kun's bedtime story. You know the kougan mercenaries that Ogen hired? Danjo was one of them. Why did the kouga accept an assassination request from the Iga? The answer is simple, Ogen didn't reveal her true identity. Danjo and his men merely assumed that the governor wanted their aid, and killing igan children didn't seem such a bad idea to Danjo. Meanwhile, Ogen used this opportunity to order his akahimes to pretend that they were injured from a fight. This was to make the scenario more believable. Ogen announced to the people that she had found out who was killing their warriors and the children... she told them that it was the Kouga. She revealed her injured akahimes, and the people believed her. Ogen sparked an immense hatred within the people for the Kouga village." Enma turned to Danjo as she smiled. "After the massacre of the children, Danjo and his men went off to assassinate another group of refugees. The refugees, however, were able to seek sanctuary with a family who lived at the opposite side of the valley, these people were called as the Rodriguez family. Danjo and his men were lost and exhausted, as such, the Rodriguez gave them shelter as well. However, Danjo discovered the Rodriguez's alliance with the refugees. So what did he do? He set multiple traps within the forest... in order to kill the Rodriguez family. Apparently it worked. Danjo's mind was eased for a moment until a boy arrived at the Kouga a few years after the trapping... it was Hache-kun." Enma turned to Hache. "Yes, Hache-kun, your family's death wasn't an accident. It was planned by the kougan assassins, it was planned by Danjo. In fact, he was already making plans on how to kill you." Enma chuckled as she placed her index finger on her red lips. "Do you like that bedtime story, Hache-kun?" Enma turned to Kane with a smile. "Would you like to hear a story as well? Let's see. In the Kouga, only the strong are regarded as those who are fit to live. Simply put, Kane-kun, the only reason why the Kouga still accept you is because of your strength. They don't care about your desire for peace. Yes, they preach peace through war, yet, Danjo benefits from war more than peace. Did you ever realize why Danjo ony speaks to you, Kane-kun, when he needs something? You're only visible when he needs something from you, Kane-kun. What would happen when you become injured? Paralyzed? Blinded? You become the human sacrifices for those wild beasts who Hache-kun hunts everyday. In order for the creatures to grow strong and fat, Danjo needed to feed them with something nutritious, human meat." Enma shuddered as she brushed her hand through her hair. "In other words, you could ask yourself... did that Wild Boar you just ate also consumed a fellow paralyzed kougan?" Enma continued. "If you truly want peace, Kane-kun, you will open your eyes, and see Danjo for the fraud HE IS!" Enma pointed at Danjo... well, almost at Danjo; she mistakenly pointed her finger at Hache. Danjo roared in wrath as he pointed his sword at Enma. "You don't seriously believe this witch's allegations, do you? She doesn't have any evidence! Hah! Kane is a strong warrior, but I believe that excessive praise will only dull a fighter. Do you not agree, Kane? And Hache's family?! Hah! That boy was only found in the forest! I never even knew his family! In fact, I was never even part of the Maous, they are merely my elite guard!" Danjo retorted in fury as he swung his blade in front of him. "Never part of the Maous? Then why is your blade carved with the insignia of the maous? Demon tendrils wreathed in thorns. Does Hache and Kane even know of the existence of the maous, you haven't told them, have you, Danjo? You want your men to be unaware of your elite troops so that you could kill them by surprise if they become a threat to you." Enma retorted while smirking. "Well, err... My blade was just a hand-me down from one of the fallen maous! So what if I didn't tell my warriors of the maous' existence! It's not like they needed to know!" Danjo screamed angrily. "A leadership where things are kept secret from the people? If you have nothing to hide, if you have nothing evil to hide, why would you keep that a secret from your people, Danjo?" Enma replied as she turned to Darian, Kane, and Hache. "Is this the kind of leadership you want? You being blind to the corruption behind their smiles?" Enma asked them as she put her mask back on. "There are more things than just living... What's the point in being alive if you are still blind to the truth?"