[s]I'll be getting a character sheet up here shortly.[/s] [s]EDIT; I will finish this sheet here in a couple of hours. >_> I somehow got volunteered to eat at some new 24hour restaurant with a friend. No better time to go than at 4AM apparently. [/s] EDIT; >.> Done, finally. [hider= Hide] Name: Hide Des'triage Age: (28*5) 140 Position: Maid/Cook/Treasure Keeper Appearance: [url=http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/3214000/3214254_1366334099989.27res_483_300.jpg ] Clicky[/url] Likes: Cleanliness Books Artifacts Sweet foods Drinking contests Plant-life Dislikes: Excess amounts of clutter that is not his own Spicy foods Being interrupted while reading or focusing on something Personality traits: Non-judgmental Tends to worry about others more than himself. Can be quite the nag if things are a mess. Doesn't really get angry, and even if he does, it does not last long Is easily brought to tears Acts rather 'motherly' when upset or worried about something Background: Hide was born on a rather small planet often called 7-990-1. It was a sister to a slightly larger, better off planet, C-992-0. But the secret of these two planets was that one of them was the actual colony while the other was a 'drop-off' planet for defective citizens. The birthrate of defection was very high on both of these planets, which was done through mostly natural birth. The AI that governed C-992-0 enforced the rule that all people with defections, no matter how small, would have to vacate C-992-0 and go to 7-990-1. This left C-992-0 somewhat empty compared to what it once was, but both of the planets quickly adjusted and began their new life. He was just one among masses that was tossed to the drop-off planet, but his case was a bit different than most. It was rather difficult for people to gauge his age correctly, because many knew he had been around longer than nine years, but he still only looked as if he were three. But in truth, despite looking like a three year old, he was already fifteen. But in the end, people merely treated him like a child and he just went with it. At that time, he did not have a name. His mother never gave him one and no one else seemed to even bother. Shortly after his twentieth birthday, a pirate crew stumbled upon their un-defended and defective planet. They were friendly enough, talked with a lot of the people and got really drunk. They had met Hide and truly thought he was just a child, at least, the crew did. But the captain was fascinated by the fact that despite being in his twenties, that this child only looked like he was four. She decided quickly that he would go with them, without even asking Hide himself. She just slung him over one shoulder and brought him onto the ship. No one bothered to try to stop her either, fearing that the pirates might attack them. Thus, the start of his pirate-career. Life on this ship was not easy for him though. Despite being so small still, they put him to work right away. Mostly cleaning, but he couldn't do much of anything very well, being so small and all. Eventually he was resigned to hanging out with the crew's cook/maid. He was a rough and haggard old woman, but she kept Hide close to keep him out of the way of the rest of the crew. It was from this old woman who called herself 'Bernice' that Hide was finally given a full name. It wasn't like others, it did not have numbers or anything, so he was a bit confused at first, but he went with it! Bernice was rather patient with Hide, who was constantly struggling with such a small body. He wanted to work and help out, he wanted to be useful. But instead of putting him to work like he wanted, the smart old woman gave him something better to do. She gave him books, lots and lots of books. It was with these books at he learned more about everything, new and old. This lead to his practice of other languages and gaining an eye for value in things outside of technology. He stayed with that crew for quite some time, seeing as his body did not grow nearly as fast as everyone else, it was easy to keep him around without having to make too much extra space. Before they left him in a Trading Port, Hide had already mastered several languages, how to cook and clean, and even how to assist the ship AI with medical care. He was stuck in the trading port for some time, mostly due to the fact that he liked it there. Many people stopped in to sell or trade stuff and it was where he gained an even better eye for old, valuable things. But he also gained many connections through this, meeting countless people and even learning new languages and the alike. Eventually he did set out with a few different crews, as a few had asked him to travel with them for a short time to see if he liked it. But all of it only lasted a short while before he was brought back to the trading port, something about the crews never set with him quite right and he never really bothered to seek any out. (And I am not going to finish the entire rest of this until I am more sober and can see the other captain and who is on which crew.) Notes: Due to a defect when he was born, Hide ages nearly five times slower than other people. So while he appears to be in his early twenties, he is far older. Outside of everything Hide knows, fighting is not one of them. Though he could defend himself or someone else from attack, it wouldn't be without injury to himself. He has no real interest in combat either, so it is difficult for him to learn and remember it. [/hider]