[quote=Dutchbag] The next person who sends more orders than his/her tier allows gets a -2 to their orders. We went over this.Pepperm1nts, the stats file was edited for the 1901 update. Didn't realise it. Thanks for the heads up, +1 to all orders [/quote] I apologies in advance if my orders were wrong. I was a little confused. “Tier IV gets an NF, a normal order, and two war orders.” So as Mexico I get a NF, a normal and two war orders. But in the example Belgium, also a Tier IV, get these orders, “Order One (nf): Increase the level of factories. Order Two: Perform naval exercises off the coast. Order Three: Build a railway from Ghent to Antwerp. Order Four: Spread Belgian influence in the Congo further east.” Does order two and four count as war orders? In any case if I am wrong, tell me and I will resend them.