[hider=Captain]Name: Milos 017-013 Age: (26*3 =) 78 years Position: Captain Appearance: He tends to grin a lot more, then on the pic. [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/083/a/e/solitude_by_miso_hot3-d4tq3az.jpg[/img] Likes: -Mystery -Puppies -Good food -Being around people -A good battle Dislikes: -Being in solitude. -Being misjudged -Being ask questions from his past. Personality traits: -Stubborn -Loyal -Protective over his crew. -Determent -Selectively spiteful -Enjoying fun Background: (Optional) Not much is known about the captain. His crew knows that he came from Planet colony 13. One of the oldest colonies out there, And one who managed to keep the level of technology, but at the same time under a dictatorship of computers. The colony was lead under the motto ''efficient is surviving.'' The moment someone died, they were cloned and tube grow to replace the died individual on the job he/she were doing previously. If you by any chance were not efficient enough one would be declared defect and replaced. The person destroyed and the process of replacing would be repeated. Milos was determined defected at his 30 birthday. Nothing is known until his 42 birthday, when he was on a pirate ship for the first time. He traveled with that crew for the next 18 years. Learning a lot for himself and tasting adventure like no one else. It was kind of a big crew and after a accident where the captain died Milos left. He managed to secure himself a ship, the AI his first crew member. After that he didnt employ anyone but searched for the right people to join his crew. Even if they do not want at first Milos could be extremely annoying and stubborn. In the end he won every time. Notes: He likes the rare types of alcohol. And try bugging the engineer of the crew to make him a puppy robot to watch play around in the lounge. He tends to hug his people when happy and in a good mood. And when in bad mood he tends to pout and frown and stay silent. He can be talkative too, and make jokes, with a occasionally tease. [/hider]