... Fate* And I think I've explained this before. But I will do it once again in case it wasn't clear. Fate's Arc is going to be long running. Think of Athalia on a time line. Fate's Arc starts now... and goes until something changes, like Fate decides to leave them alone, someone defeats her, someone befriends her and changes her, etc etc. So, there will be [b]many[/b] Fate Encounters. This first one will involve Body Swapping. I.E. Ryuu is stuck in Darwin's body... Lily stuck in Matt's body... The powers of the character are retained with the person RPing them. Because quite honestly, I don't really know enough about other characters to RP their powers very well so I it's best we stick with what we know. It's suppose to be weird. It not suppose to make sense. That's what Fate does. She messes with people. Once it's over, everyone will just think it was a weird ass dream. Though, Data is a different thing altogether. I imagine it would be much like a man going into a woman's body. It's merely asthetics. So... Suddenly, you have a male robot angel... thing if you put Lily in Data's body. And then Data in Lily's body would lose all of the angel properties and be like Data were a mere human girl. The only thing that transfers are the powers. Does Data have any powers outside of being a robot? If not, then yes. The robot parts stay with Data's body. That... sort of thing.