[b]Alex Clark - New Orleans - Scouts/Danny/Cody[/b] Rummaging through the abandoned house he flinched when he found a cracked photograph of a just married couple. They looked so happy together, as if nothing could ever go wrong. Most likely both of them were now both dead. It made him feel melancholic to see such clear and optimistic remnants of the the world as it used to be, but he was quickly shaken out of his pondering as Danny spoke up, mentioning the quickly deteriorating weather. For a moment Alex did not care, what was the worst that could happen? Lots of rain? He was used to that. But once he remembered he was in the US South-Eastern Coast again he remembered that extreme weather here meant hurricanes, and he quicjkly shot into action, packing up the few items he had found worth keeping. Putting his backpack on he nodded in response to Danny as he rushed towards the rest, and quickly hurried towards the car and Cody himself. Once outside he was slapped in the face by the sudden gushing winds, making him protect his face with his arms as he was whipped by a cloud of dust and sand, the wind singing around him. He struggled his way towards the car to find it wobbling hence and forth on its suspension which looked about as funny as it was scary. He turned around before getting in to see how Rudy and the others were doing, when he saw their silhouettes. [b]"Crawlers!"[/b] He yelled, but his voice was lost in the wind. A wild movement in the corner of his eye notified him of Danny and the others arriving from their house as the door flapped like a madman in the howling winds, when he heard Danny yell at him. He vaguely understood what the plan was, as he saw Chris run towards him while Danny and Jamie ran off in another direction. They'd try to divert the crawler's attention. [b]"Let's get going!"[/b] He yelled to Charlie once he was in earshot, and ran towards the car, but quickly noticed the crawlers following them. He could hardly lead those to the car right? He stopped and waved over to Danny that he was going to take a small detour and lure them away, not that he'd understand, but it was something. With the crawlers moving behind them he pressed himself through a withered bush, probably something that hadn't been meant to grow in this climate without human aid, and would try to run around the houses' backyards to lose the crawlers.