[quote=KarneeKarnay] I apologies in advance if my orders were wrong. I was a little confused. “Tier IV gets an NF, a normal order, and two war orders.”So as Mexico I get a NF, a normal and two war orders. But in the example Belgium, also a Tier IV, get these orders,“Order One (nf): Increase the level of factories.Order Two: Perform naval exercises off the coast.Order Three: Build a railway from Ghent to Antwerp.Order Four: Spread Belgian influence in the Congo further east.”Does order two and four count as war orders? In any case if I am wrong, tell me and I will resend them. [/quote] I see now, but It's an example. A heavily simplified example. Intended to show what you can do with your orders. The rules prevail in case of conflict. You can use your regular orders on anything, national foci on anything not a military move, and war orders for military movements. [quote=So Boerd] Am I Germany now? [/quote] No.