[center][img]http://www.remodelista.com/files/styles/733_0s/public/fields/Artist_Studio_13_08_03.jpg[/img][/center] Rin had woken up early that day for no other reason than to get to the Art Room as soon as she could. Her morning had started off normal. Having been woken up by her pet snake Pyry as he slithered into her clothes was the norm for her. Her blue eyes would flutter open and she would mumble something that made no sense before sliding out of bed and taking the ladder down to the floor. Next she would stretch and scratch her bottom before shuffling to the bathroom, only to find that after sitting down, the toilet paper had been moved to the other side of the bathroom. Rin would call upon her familiar Eirwyn for help and he would bring it to her after complaining about it in her head, and she would explain that the reason she wouldn't call upon Neuge was because if she breathed on it, it would freeze and be uncomfortable to wipe with. Most days started out like that. After a shower, she would stand at her wardrobe and stare at her all white clothes. It was a thing in fact, that she never wore anything but white; not including accessories of course. There was a reason the students called her Snow White, and aside from her pale and cold skin, white hair, it was because the only color Rin preferred to wear was white. White was her favorite color in fact. Snow was her favorite weather and it was white, she loved to look at the clouds in the sky, and they were white, marshmallows were white... she loved those too, her pet snake was white. Everything that was white was awesome. End of story. But it wasen't like Rin had no appreciation for the other colors out there, no that was not the case. She was a painter after all, and had a knack for photography. It was often things filled with vibrant color that she was attracted to when doing her crafts. In any case, Rin was an odd girl, so instead of trying to explain why she strictly wore white, she would accept it and move on. [hider=Rin's Outfit] [img]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a492/eshagregory/b0bae48d-7851-4945-abde-fedcc477e049_zpsff53153c.jpg?t=1410963250[/img] [/hider] After dressing, Rin would leave her dorm room and walk casually to the Art Room. Camera around her neck, art box in one hand, and a sleeping Pyry wrapped around the other, she would make her way through the beautiful halls of the Academy and smile at anyone who passed her by. This was her third year here and aside from her Art and Photography classes she took, she was enrolled in the compulsory English and Math, along with Combat, Daemonology, Dead Languages, and Weaponry. For the most part her schedule remained the same over the past three years, and Rin had fallen into the groove of things, often getting no less than a C in any class. Today, however, was not the start of classes, but marked one of the final free days she would have before she had to hit the books and start focusing on her work again. It was not that she didn't like school, it just seemed once the year started, she found herself wanting to escape and draw more often but was stuck inside doing work. Shaking her head and adding a skip in her step, she decided not to dwell on the start of school, and when she reached the Art Room she felt instantly more relaxed and at ease. She loved this room. It too had high ceilings with walls that were pearl white as well. Large windows that let the light in, and a soft echo was heard as her boots tapped lightly against the marble floor. Paintings were lined up in a row, some for display and some to dry, and upon walking further inside, she noticed a few students had beaten her here and were working on some pieces of their own. One guy and one girl sat next to each other, talking about the girl's piece when they noticed her come in. Rin recognized them from the year before... they were a year below her. "Well if it isin't Snow White. She might be able to help you out more than I can." the boy said to the girl, who looked over. That was when Rin noticed her green orbs were red and filled with tears. "♪ Good morning to the both of you. What seems to be the problem? ♪ " Rin said in her high pitched, sing songy voice as she walked over and looked at the two of them. "I think I... may have messed up my painting for good..." the girl mumbled, on the verge of crying. "I've been working on it for a week now... i wanted to give it too my mom and... she's in the hospital so... I need to finish this." she said in a dramatic way. Rin nodded, respecting her reasons, and smiled at the girl. "♪ Give me a moment to put down my things and i would be happy to help you. ♪ " she said before going to a spot at the far wall by the window. She passed up the supply room that also stored the supplied and held sinks and soap used for washing materials. She took her time, humming a soft tune as she carefully pulled over a stool, canvas, and another stool to place her art box on. Not until things were set up perfectly did Rin make her way back over to the girl in distress. "♪ Let's see here. Where is... oh. I see where you made a mistake. ♪ " she said as she looked at the paining the girl was drawing. It was a picture of a woman with a girl, who looked like the artist, and they lay down together and appeared to be sleeping. Both women had dark brown hair laced down their backs, and on the older woman, was a white splat directly on her hair. Looking at where the white came from, she noticed that the sheets they lay upon were of the same color white and rin thought for a moment before reaching out and grabbing a thin tipped detail brush. "♪ There is never any need to worry about a mistake. Pretty, pretty, pretty, mistakes can be too. May I? ♪ " she chanted as she dipped the detail brush in the white and waited for the girl to nod. Once given permission to assist, Rin began to paint around the white spot and told the girl what she was doing as she did it. "♪ If you are afraid about a mistake, the easiest way to fix it is not to cover it up, but sometimes. Only sometimes do the mistakes end up prettier than the rest. Of course, of course, a mistake is truly not a mistake, but your heart telling you to change your focal point to that of something new. Look, look. I see beyond the flaws as I create a scene where one must think about if first. ♪ " she said in a way that seemed like she was talking a bit crazy. The girl would see as Rin began to shape the white spot into a large flower, making the petals white. Taking the brush between her teeth, Rin would reach out and get another, painting the inside of the petals a deep blood red. Switching the two, she would blur the tips of the red outwards to make the effect of it turning pink and then fading to white. Leaning away, she placed the brushed back into their spots in the way the girl had it set up. " ♪ A good trick to use when you have a mistake is to make it the focal point. With your own imagine, turn this flower into one that compliments the beautiful woman that wears it. And, I know your mother will get well soon after you show her. ♪ " she said patting the girl's shoulder and turning to return to her spot by the window. "Thank you so much Snow White!" the girl called to her as she gave the boy a hug before the two continued on to what they were doing. When Rin finally sat in her seat, she stared at the blank paper she put on her stand and tried to think about something to create. "♪ Oh what to do now? ♪ " she wondered, picking up a pencil and tapping the end against her chin. After a few moments of thoughts, she had an idea and called upon Eirwyn. As she fumbled with her things, she didn't even notice when he appeared next to her, on all fours, he easily reached the height she was at on the stool, and for a moment, she was startled. [i]"You wanted to see me?"[/i] he said in his usual bored tone in her head. "♪ Yes, I would like you to sit over there so I can draw you. That is all. Easy, right? ♪ " she said, petting his head softly. [i]"I suppose."[/i] he said simply as he moved silently to the spot she desired, and lay down in a relaxed position. After a moment, he closed his eyes as if he were planning to sleep. "♪ I need to see your eyes. ♪ " she said with a smile. [i]"I already don't like this idea."[/i] his voice in her mind had said with a sigh as he opened his eyes and gazed out the window. "♪ Perfect. Now stay still. ♪ " she ordered nicely as she grabbed her HB pencil and began to sketch out her familiar. A long time passed and the two other students left, leaving Rin and Eirwyn alone in silence. It was only for a few minutes until she would hear the soft velvet singing sound of his voice in her head. He began to hum the tune of a song he often sang to her while she slept. [hider=Listen while you read] This is how Eirwyn's voice sounds in her head. [youtube]_5Guy0cK5X0[/youtube] [/hider] [i]"Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow Bless you with love for the road that you go May you sail far to the far fields of fortune With diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet And may you need never to banish misfortune May you find kindness in all that you meet May there always be angels to watch over you To guide you each step of the way To guard you and keep you safe from all harm Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay May you bring love and may you bring happiness Be loved in return to the end of your days Now fall off to sleep, I'm not meaning to keep you I'll just sit for a while and sing loo-li, lai-lay May there always be angels to watch over you To guide you each step of the way To guard you and keep you safe from all harm Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay..."[/i] By the time he finished singing to her, she was done with her drawing him. At one point, she made a mistake and grabbed a brown pencil instead of her regular one, and just like before, she told herself to simply go with the mistake and let it stand out. When she turned it around, she showed him what she had drawn. [center][img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/888323-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] [i]"That is well done. I wondered what I would look like with brown eyes."[/i] he said in his usual bored sounding tone, though Rin could tell he really meant it. She smiled to him and flipped the paper over the stand, going to the next page. Putting her pencils away, she started to prepare her materials to paint him next. Standing to get water for her brushes, she looked over her shoulder and said to him "♪ Would you mind singing that to me a few more times? ♪ " [i]"As you wish, Rin."[/i] he said before he began to sing to her once again.