[b]Basic Information[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Mark Heaton [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] N/A [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Height:[/b] 6 ft 2 [b]Weight:[/b] Around 70kg [b]Status:[/b] New student [b]Appearance[/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Brown [b]Eye Color:[/b] Light Brown [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] His hair is short and unkempt, and although he looks relatively skinny, his muscles are well toned. Other than that, he is incredibly ordinary: he has not tattoos, and no apparent outstanding features other than a birthmark on his shoulder. His eyes are shallow, and can change from warm to harsh with a single idiotic comment. His eyebrows are thin, and are rarely furrowed, unless to show disapproval. He is clean-shaven, and smooth faced, if not for the odd spot. By no means is he a lady killer, but is far from ugly; his smile can light up a room. When he does smile of course; his lips are only etched into a grin when he feels they need to be, and rarely from reflex. He has an ample amount of body hair on his legs, and a small amount on his arms, but only a small line of it down his stomache on his torso. If there is anything outstanding about his appearance, it is that his posture is perfect. [b]Attire:[/b] Mark does not care too much about their attire, and tends to wear whatever is clean and matches. But he does always wears a watch. [b]Personality[/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] He is quite stubborn, competitive, and has a logical thought process. And he suffers from apathy, which he desperately wants to overcome. These personality traits have made him into a person that will strive to solve problems that are given to him, and usually end with him finding the right answers. However, any problem that he himself wishes to find an answer to, or any activity that he wishes to do for himself, almost always end with him giving up. This is the source of his frustration with himself. With others, he is friendly and caring. But again, he will rarely initiate interactions; he simply puts his all into what is placed in front of him. So when he [i]is[/i] with people, he will give them his full attention. However, he tends to keep himself closed off. He knows he is terrible with keeping in contact with people, and any relationships he makes will be unfairly one-sided. This has caused his friendships to drift apart, one after another. It has made him feel guilt, and even more guilt for feeling self pity when it was his own fault for watching them fade away. But he is immune to depression: he will not die before doing something worthwhile. That is a promise that he made to himself, and it has kept his darkest of thoughts from taking over his demeanor. Speaking of his demeanor, he is quite abrasive. If he thinks something is wrong, he will say so, but not to the point of being an ass. He takes into account the emotions of the people he is speaking to before he says anything. He is tolerant, and considerate, but not exceptionally patient. Not unless he really needs to be. When he gets made angry, which is hard, he gets can be motivated to do great or terrible things. But anger isn't something that he wants to use as a weapon against lethargy. He wants to overcome it in a positive way. He wants to find something that will make him want to do things; maybe even someone. So, he does not hold grudges, and he does not let his temper get the best of him. He stresses over his mistakes, and mistakes that are yet to come. He takes full responsibility for them, but they still eat him up inside. But strangely, he is more than willing to forgive the mistakes of others if he feels they deserve it: he does not like to judge people. Only himself. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] His only real interest is going for long runs. It gives him time to think, and thinking and making up ideas is the only thing that he seems to enjoy. Putting them into practice is something that he fails at, because he ends up giving up. This one hobby has kept him fit. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Anything that grabs his attention for long enough can quickly become one of his talents. Of course, not many things do this. And those that have, he has quickly grown bored of. As a result, he is quite good with magic tricks, electronics and computer hardware, and even knitting needles. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] He has a pet scorpion. Taking care of it is one of the things that keeps him afloat. And an expensive metal watch. [b]Quote(s):[/b] "No." [b]History/Bio:[/b] He was just an average child, that grew up loving games. He had a close relationship with his parents, and had a promising future: he was eager to learn, loved to solve problems, and was very competitive. That changed when at the age of 13, his power developed. All of a sudden, everything he did, he did quicker. He would finish schoolwork before the teacher could finish explaining it to the rest of the class; he could finish a book by flicking through its pages; and he couldn't play his games anymore: they were no longer any challenge. The blessing quickly turned into a curse, where nothing was a challenge now, and no one really wanted to be around him anymore unless they wanted something. But what hurt the most was when at 17, he decided to do some research on his powers. It wasn't well documented, and it was rare. It never got passed on, and it never let it's owners live past 40: they all turned to ash. He lost interest in everything after that. He had one desire: to do something worth being remembered for, but he had already developed a pretty strong apathy. Despite this, he did what he could to get himself known for having a power; before he kept it a secret, as his power was quite subtle. At the age of 18, he got a letter to inform him that he was invited to join the Academy. He immediately accepted. [b]Family:[/b] He has a mother and a father, and is an only child. They are both unpowered, and very supportive of their son. [b]Relationships[/b] [b]Relationships:[/b] (Basically a section where you put your character's thoughts on the other ones they've encountered. You can also talk to other people and decide what your characters relations will be.) [Nikki Biyung] | [Impression : Good] | [Relationship : Distant, yet friendly] | [Character's thoughts : Nikki is moderately subdued, but seems to have a good heart. Likes bugs] [Shannon Balore] | [Impression : Neutral] | [Relationship : Distant] | [Character's thoughts : Shannon is hostile, but isn't a bad person. Accidentally left him to drown that one time] [Deborah Termellio] | [Impression : Neutral] | [Relationship : Recognises her] | [Character's thoughts : Seems to be a leader and pretty curious, but not much else is known. Accidentally left him to drown that one time] [Red Winston] | [Impression : Neutral/Good] | [Relationship : Recognises him] | [Character's thoughts : Has a checkered past, is an extrovert and a somewhat positive person. Accidentally left him to drown that one time] [b]Abilities[/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Super System - Level 6 [b]Power:[/b] His has partial control over his perception of time. Partial, because half of it is handled by reflex: if he focuses on a task or object, then he can control how "quickly his world spins", but if something is detected by his senses that requires immediate reaction, it happens beyond his control to whatever speed seems to be optimal. He also has the ability to "slow his world" to a point where it has almost stopped: where bullets hover in mid air. He can do this whenever he wishes. It makes it possible to condense hours into milliseconds, and is incredibly useful for memorising things, and solving problems. He also has some resistance to telepathy: if reading thoughts is like drinking from the tap, he can turn that tap into a firehose. He can effectively speed up his thoughts to the point where it is painful to attempt to read them. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Although his reactions are technically as fast as is physically possible, his body is that of a normal human: [i]it[/i] can only move at a set speed without ripping muscle to shreds. This means, that unless he exerts good control on his muscles, and listens well to the pain that they generate when he strains them, he could easily give himself serious injury. However, this also means that it is incredibly easy for him to exercise, as simply walking at "half-speed" puts pressure on his muscles. It has given him a strong physique. When he almost stops time, all he can do is look at what is in front of him. He struggles when dealing with computer screens, as it doesn't take much for them to flicker for him: he can see the refresh rates if he absentmindedly focuses too hard on it. As it is only used within very short bursts, it is very difficult to strain this power. As to why it shortens lifespans to such an extent is unknown to Mark, as no one has fully documented it. [hider=The reason..]It is because the power develops. In time, his body will begin to catch up with his nervous system: he will be able to move when the rest of the world has come to a stop, instead of just watch. To do this, he will be able to 'activate' his muscles by exerting an energy into them; the same energy that every meta-human has coursing through their bodies, only in a very raw form. It will make them immune to tearing when put under the strain of moving at incredible speeds. However, this does not protect him from impacts at incredible speeds. They will easily kill him. It is important to note that usage of this power depletes a reserve of stamina that almost isn't physical: using this power will tire his mind, and not his body. This makes it very easy to strain the usage of this power, and given that this power breaks a limitation put on it's holders for most of their lives.. it is almost addictive to do so. As a result, every owner of this power has turned themselves to ash before they make it to 40.[/hider] [b]Other:[/b] He has passed his power off as being Cerebral: enhanced learning. As his power has no outward effects, other than giving him some skill in almost all areas, this was easy to do. His enhanced reflexes are not something that he shows off, and can easily be attributed to ability rather than anything superhuman. --- If I need to expand on anything, feel free to say so :]