Val smiled charmingly as he was told to wait for the ramp to come down. [b]"Excellent well."[/b] He felt happy to be on the road again, and to avoid the trouble that was the Crucible. Hopefully things would be well and good soon enough. He looked over his shoulder as he heard Nora calling out. [b]"It'd be nice to have the company of a familiar face. I remember seeing you around town, Nora... right?"[/b] A small town like that meant everyone knew everyone and newcomers were easy to notice and easier to remember. Val turned his attention back to the ramp that had now lowered and lifted his luggage the few inches necessary for him to carry his stuff. [b]"I imagine they don't have a whole lot to gain for taking on too many refugees, but first come first served."[/b] He would have gestured toward the upper end of the ramp, but his hands were occupied by his luggage and instrument cases. So instead he just walked right up the ramp and onto the boat.