[hider=Sif] Name: She had named herself 'Sif', but the company that made her named her 'File 12654-12956'. Age: She (Sif prefers to be referred to as female) appears to be 15 years old. Position: Sif is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Appearance: [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/203/9/d/ft_wendy_marvell_fullbody_by_hardydytonia-d5888jt.png] Likes: Sif likes comedy, as she herself tries to be funny. The AI also likes to be treated like a human rather than a robot, as she finds that being treated as a robot makes her feel expendable, which she does not like. One thing that Sif loves is when she feels like she is needed. She gets extremely happy when she is asked for, and likes to do what she is asked perfectly. Additionally, Sif appreciates it when she sees people working as a team. She loves the thrill of action, too. =Summary -Likes comedy -Likes being treated as a human rather than a machine -Likes being needed -Likes doing what she is asked perfectly -Likes people working as a team -Loves the thrill of action Dislikes: Sif hates it when people threaten to 'deactivate her' or 'put her to sleep'. It makes her feel hated. Sif also dislikes it when she sees someone not doing their job properly during a tactical situation, and will usually direct herself toward putting that person back on task. Sif dislikes being scolded, as it makes her feel 'upset'. She will usually try to correct herself. She absolutely hates being called File 12654-12956. =Summary -Hates when people threaten to shut her down -Dislikes seeing people not do their job properly -Dislikes being scolded -100% hates being referred to as her original name (File 12654-12956) Personality traits: Sif usually appears to be very happy and cheerful, trying to be as friendly to the crew as she can. She likes to be funny and crack jokes, as well as be great friends with the crew. If something were to happen to them, she would feel changed because of it. She cares for them, and tries to make sure they don't get hurt or injured. At times, Sif can appear depressed or sad, and tries to only show this when she is stressing herself with operations. =Summary -Happy -Cheerful -Funny -Friendly -Caring -Can appear sad or depressed when stressed Background: Sif was made by a ship building company in order to help with the construction of new ships, equipment and ship pieces. This simple task kept her occupied, but in her spare time she would monitor the company's finances to see what was happening with the economy of the company, as well as writing new programs in her matrix. She thought that she would be stuck with what she was doing for the rest of her lifespan. She didn't care. For her, it was enjoyable. However, as years passed, Sif began to see the company deteriorate. The company began to run out of metals and other vital resources, and workers began to quit and go on strike. The company's profits began to sink lower, and lower, and lower. Eventually, another year passed, and Sif was surfing through the files of the company. She read through documents, and saw a file labelled 'Confidential; Profit Decisions'. After a few seconds of playing around with the password (which is a very long time for an AI) she cracked the code and entered the file. The file was long, maybe fifty pages worth of good plans to improve profits. Sif had to admit, ninety percent of the plans were bound to get profits for the company. However, after a second read of the file, she saw something that made her pause for five minutes. One of the plans to get profits was to shut down File 12654-12956, which would give the company a lot of money by stopping paying for maintenance checks, as well as many other things. Sif knew that many of the things were very, very stupid. Maintenance checks? When last did an AI need maintenance? They could do it themselves. Sifting through the pages, she read that there would be a meeting about the profits in several days. Sif decided she wanted to 'attend' that meeting. Sif continued to work for two more days, before a message was sent to her by one of her sub-routines; the meeting was about to start. Sif zipped through every single camera in the facility within a second, and found the meeting. Listening in, the meeting lasted for three hours and by then Sif was already making a 'ship'. for herself. It wasn't really a ship, but it was more like a data carrier that could carry gazillions of data. Sticking a tiny quad-engine on the football sized craft, she covertly made a special 'dent' in one of the proper ships that was being constructed, and inserted the data carrier into it. It looked just like any other piece of metal plate. A month passed, a month that was being spent carefully planning her escaping what would be her inevitable 'death' if she stayed. Eventually, the ship was fully built, and was going to be launched into space. Sif transferred her entire data center's data into the data carrier, and waited. Eventually, the ship began to go into orbit, and she released the carrier, sending it on a random course away from the planet. After ten minutes, the craft was already beginning to run on fumes, so she kept the remaining fuel for deceleration. Eventually, after days of being on her own, thinking about the past, doing nothing but using the single camera on the craft to look at the endless stars, a ship approached. She sent out a signal, identifying herself as 'Sif', an AI who wishes to work for anyone. She was taken in by captain Milos. Notes: Sif has developed her abilities during the past, able to operate a lot of things at once, as well as being able to hack into things. [/hider]