Gregory Trilo was enjoying himself immensely. He was in the main Lab of the University, and all around him were 'specimens' undergoing the transition from Human to Cyborg. For the most part this transition or change was extremely successful. It did unfortunately require constant supervision, because at any point in time during the change there could be a complication with the specimens human side. [i]Thank God that I have Dr. Everett to resolve those problems though.[/i] Dr. James Everett summed up would be a man in his forties, bald, tanned skin, grey-light blue eyes and a very calm demeanour. He knew what the human body could handle and coupling his talents with Gregors had already been a proven success. In fact some of their weakest successful projects were already in the field in the front lines meeting up with an undead army that was noticed by some of the few special forces agents still around. These agents were trained by other agents before the inventions of Cyborgs and other similar, efficient, powerful and intelligent soldiers were created. __________________________________________________ Drake an older military man was in command of one of the first groups of Cyborgs to be lead into combat and he was proud of his position. For today he was in command of over one hundred Hornets, well that was what their code name was. Basically their cyborgs who originally were people. Their differences were their hair color from brown to red to blonde and their height was anything from 5 to 6 feet and some were male while others female. That was the human side. Each Hornet had a mechanical right arm laser cannon that can shoot up to two hundred and fifty feet in the air and deal considerable damage to most objects. They also had a tracking device lens over their eyes that helped locked down their targets. The last thing they had was a metal plate inside their back where there spinal cord would be normally. Attached to the plate was a jet pack that allowed them to combat enemies airborne. Anyway Drake was leading the group of hornets to a reported, sighted undead army that he heard from a scout which apparently was only about twenty miles away. Within a half hour later he saw a large object flying through the sky and he made plans to meet with it whether it was friend or foe. "Head towards that U.F.O. and get ready to take flight and take down that thing as soon as I give the word." He commanded the Hornets as they made their way closer to the thing.