After getting permission from her nurse, Levi moved herself to a wheelchair and wheeled herself out of the clinic. She figured, if nothing else, she could find the guy who did the PA announcement earlier, and, if she couldn't find him, go outside and sit in the fresh air. She sighed as she pushed herself through several rooms on her way to the door, thinking of her grandparent's farm where she'd lived when she was younger, while her parents tried to patch things up the first time. [i]"Schauen Sie, Großvater!" She called out - Look, grandfather! - running towards his with her hands cupped together. Her grandfather gently peeled them apart and saw what she held - a disgruntled-looking sparrow with a bent wing. "Wird es in Ordnung sein?" -Will it be okay?- she asked, concerned. Her grandfather laughed, gently taking the bird from her. "Es wird sogar noch besser, wenn Sie lassen Sie es sein," He said. It will be even better if you let it be.[/i] Of course, the happy farmhouse memories ended at age 8, when her grandparents were killed in a car accident, leaving Levi traumatized, living with her parents, who'd tried to get together again for her sake. Levi shook off the memories and found herself in the entrance hall, where a guy - a tall, good looking guy - was leaning against the wall by the front door. Since her experience with Aaron, she hadn't been to comfortable left alone with boys, something she'd overlooked when rushing down here. Besides, would he really want her to help him make pocket money or whatever, clearly in withdrawal hell, pushing herself around in a wheelchair wearing a thin hospital gown? Biting her lip, Levi turned to push herself back to the clinic.