[B][U]:: Basic Information ::[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Daniel Filson [B]Nicknames:[/B] Danny, Hoarder, Trove, Stockpile, Lightfingers... [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Height:[/B] 5'10. [B]Weight:[/B] 140lbs. [B]Status:[/B] New Student. [B][U]:: Appearance ::[/U][/B] [B]Hair Color:[/B] Chocolate Brown. [B]Eye Colour:[/B] Chocolate Brown. [B]Ethnicity:[/B] Caucasian. [B]Physical Appearance:[/B] While he most certainly isn't a movie star by any means, Danny Filson could very easily be considered a rather handsome young man. Brown haired, dark eyed and well shaven, the ex-foster kid cleans up remarkably nicely, if he does say so himself. Doing his best to maintain a well groomed appearance at all times, the boy always seems to keep an easy smile and a mischievous glint in eyes, never needing much of an excuse for a good laugh. His chocolate brown hair is kept short and carefully dishevelled, a meticulously maintained cross between youthful wholesomeness and slight hints of rebellious attitude. His skin is smooth and almost completely free of blemishes and imperfection, kept clear with nightly application of skin cream. He usually has a thick aroma of strong, luxuriously scented cologne about him. His body, while not extraordinarily athletic, is reasonably fit, honed through years of living alone, fending for himself in the streets. Notably, he is known for being particularly effective at running through busy city roads, and can navigate through crowds and lose pursuers ridiculously easily. He has broad bony shoulders, and a thin, but relatively well muscled frame, more reminiscent of a runner than a bodybuilder. While closer inspection might reveal him to be slightly malnourished for a young man his age, he overall comes across as having a healthy, striking figure. His facial features could be deemed to be quite attractive as well, mostly because of the open, friendly expression permanently painted onto them. He has a thin, sculpted nose, full lips, and a pair of large, playful brown eyes. He has thick, bushy black eyebrows, and a strong, pointed bony chin. Although he does his best not to drawn too much attention to it, his left hand appears to be entirely missing his little finger down to the wrist, instead being remplaced by a gruesome, recent looking wound. It is thickly wrapped in white medical bandages, and he will usually try to change the subject whenever it is brought up. He also has an old, whitened scar on the right side of his head, not too far from the temple, which he usually tries to hide when arranging his hair. Some of the fingers on his right hand show signs of having once been broken, and he will periodically be seen subtly massaging them whenever he thinks noone is looking. [B]Attire:[/B] In accordance with the rest of his appearance, Danny will generally try to look at his best with his choice of clothing. Shirts, jackets, clean jeans and slacks will make up the bulk of his typical day-to-day attires. He doesn't usually seem to restrict himself to any one particular style, simply dressing with whatever he feels looks good, although he will generally shy away from less "sophisticated" types of clothing. The one thing all his clothes have in common, however, regardless of their style, is pockets. In order to use his powers to the full extend of their abilities, his choice of clothing will [b]always[/b] have as many pockets sown into them as is humanly possible while still remaining tasteful. Wide sleeves and loose sections are also something all his outfits will inevitably share. Most of the time, he will tend to wear a custom made wide sleeved long black trench coat as well, with innumerable hidden pockets hidden on the inside, which he will usually leave open for ease of access. [B][U]:: Personality ::[/U][/B] [B]Outward & Innate Personality:[/B] Regardless of the circumstances, Daniel always comes across as an extremely carefree and cheerful young man. Smart assed and irreverent to the extreme, he is a shameless flirt who is constantly getting himself in trouble or joking with the ladies. Never one to know when to keep his mouth shut, he always seems to know exactly what to say to make any situation worse, and frequently finds himself having to talk or fight his way out of completely ridiculous and outlandish scenarios. Very confident and sure of himself, he absolutely loves to use his powers to show off and impress other people. He can come across as a little shifty or untrustworthy at times, and although he never really seems to do anything, people who have known him for any lengths of time quickly get into the habit of checking their pockets whenever he is around. He is rather vain about his appearance as well, spending a significant amount of time into his supposedly "effortless" good looks, often earning him the monicker "pretty boy" among his friends. He is cocky, arrogant, impulsive and reckless, but his heart is nonetheless still in the right place, and he draws a very clear and definitive line on what he is and isn't willing to do for his own self-interest. He prides himself on never having taken any heavy drugs, gotten involved in organized crime or willingly hurt an innocent. His money might sometimes have been stolen, but he never got any blood on his hand to obtain it. He makes a point of honor of never snitching on anyone he has done work with, and will only cooperate with authority figures under very extreme circumstances, and even then only reluctantly. He is very contemptuous of muggers and people who use force to obtain what they want in general, and never uses guns or knifes other than for self defence. [b]Hobbies/Interests: [/b]Danny will usually spend most of his free time flirting or getting into crazy, ridiculous situations with his friends. He likes to talk, joke around, try things just because he can and generally get in trouble just for the heck of it. One of his greatest joys in life is to mess with the people around him, and he loves to play mind games with others. He is very good at making up crazy improvised stories on the spot, and can actually smooth talk his way out of things surprisingly well, provided he can refrain from poking whatever metaphorical hornet's nest he can find for a few seconds. Life around him is like a neverending string of strange noodle incidents: one moment you are just sitting in the cafeteria together, the next you're somehow on the rooftop of a weird building, dressed in clown costumes and fetish gear, trying to escape from a local gang of bikers by hijacking a helicopter... Okay, so that last part may or may not have been made up, but seriously, crazy shit never stops happening around him. It's like the normal laws of causality just go "fuck it" every now and then, and things around him suddenly stop making rational sense. [B]Skills/Talents:[/B] Danny is extremely dexterous and very skilled at sleight of hands, skills made all the more impressive with the addition of his meta-human abilities. He is a master at redirecting and manipulating a target's attention, can can easily confuse and distract people with both words and gestures alike. He is highly talented at social engineering as well, and is able to spin bullshit stories with remarkable speed and consistency. He has an almost unparalleled talent for getting himself and others into trouble, as well as for fast-talking others into following him into it. He knows a number of ways quickly open cheap locks, although nothing quite as elaborate as lock picking; just things like using a makeshift shim or jamming a cheap pen part down the cylinder. Even without the use of his ability, he is an expert at smuggling various items and making sure things don't get found. This allows him to use his powers with extreme efficiency; if Daniel Filson wants to hide something, not even the flying spaghetti monster itself will be able to make it reappear unless [I]he[/I] allows it! [B]Prized Possession:[/B] As one might imagine, quite a few. He will usually carry several unimportant trinkets of personal value on his person. [B]Quote:[/B] [i]"Come on... What's the worst that could happen?"[/i] [b]Family:[/b] None he that he would ever care to meet again. His father was a violent drunk and his mother was almost criminally negligent of him, both always reminding him that he was just an unhappy accident. He was taken away from their custody at the age of 10 and hasn't seen them once since. [b]History/Bio:[/b] Daniel typically tends to be very sparse when it comes to giving information about his past, but from what he's hinted at so far, it is pretty clear that he has been involved in some fairly shady and disreputable activities before coming here. Although he tries his best to hide it, he was born in a fairly underprivileged area. Taken away from his home at the age of 10 by the child protective services, he soon took to shoplifting and pickpocketing to supplement his income. He discovered his powers a few years later, and began to escalate his illicit activities, making quite a bit of cash in the process. He used this newfound wealth to buy new clothes and expensive items. At some point, this must have attracted the attention of some very dangerous people, and he ended up being kidnapped and taken for a little "chat". It isn't entirely clear what was said, but when he left he was missing a finger. He received an invitation from the academy not too long afterwards, and got the hell out of town as soon as possible. [b][u]:: Relationships ::[/u][/b] [b] Cormack Leclaire | Good | Roommate|[/b] [I]"My roommate, he's some sort of tech-genius who's really good with electronics. We got pretty drunk on the first night and we got talking about death rays and laser guided penguins. I don't really remember what happened next (something about something going critical I think?), but apparently we ended up knocking out half the school's power grid for almost an hour, and we had to go to the principal's office completely hung over the next morning. Pretty cool for a tech-geek actually, although I really have no bloody clue what he's talking about most of the time. I think he does it just to screw with me to be honest..."[/I] [b] Adam Blackmore| Annoying | Stuck up teacher|[/b] [I]"I have to admit, I'm seriously worried about this guy's health. I really hope he's scheduled for surgery soon, it definitely can't be good for someone to be walking around with [b]such a massive stick up their arse.[/b] I swear, some people have no appreciation of good showmanship these days..."[/I] [b][u]:: Abilities ::[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Spatial 4. [b]Hyperspace Pockets:[/b] Using his power, Daniel is able to anchor hyperspace pockets of folded space onto physical frameworks. What this means in plain English is that he can essentially make boxes which can hold much more volume on the inside than their size should permit on the outside, provided he has a normal box to work with in the first place. The dimensional matrix of these pockets is extremely fragile, and will collapse quickly if the physical object containing it is damaged. So far, Daniel has only been able to stabilize a single one at a time, any additional ones collapsing immediately whenever he went away or got distracted. If a pocket collapses while objects are still within, all of them end up getting vigorously expelled back into the normal world. So far, the largest pocket he has been able to make was about 60 cubic centimeters, which translated to about a large closet's worth of storage space. Once items are inside, Daniel can also somehow instinctively reach in and take whatever he wants immediately without fumbling, regardless of how crowded it is. [b]Hyperspace portals:[/b] This is where the fun part comes in. Once Daniel has created a stable hyperspace pocket, he can anchor small hyper-spatial portals onto physical openings like pockets or sleeves, which allow him to remotely access its content. Much like with the actual box, he can pull out any item he wants instantly and without fumbling, provided it fits through the opening. He also appears to be able to make some small items eject automatically, allowing him to throw rose petals, playing cards or tied ribbons from his sleeve. So far, he has proven capable of making several of these portals at a time fairly easily, although they tend to be fairly unstable and disappear shortly after use. The largest one he can manage at the moment is about fifteen centimeters in diameter. He requires physical contact, or at the very least extremely close proximity in order to make those portals appear. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Well first and foremost, Daniel's hyperspace storage space isn't just some abstract concept he can magically pull things from, but rather an actual physical object which exists in the real world. If anyone were to somehow find the container it is anchored to, they would have complete access to everything it contains, and would be able to completely disarm him. Secondly, space constraints. Both his pockets and portals can only be made up to a certain size, which limits both the size and quantity of items he can store. Even if he were to somehow manage to put a guitar into his chamber, he still would be completely unable to pull it out through his smaller pockets. Thirdly, creating and anchoring a new pocket is a long and difficult process, and he is currently unable to have more than one active at a time. Lastly, both the portals and storage space are very fragile, and will collapse immediately if the physical framework they are anchored to is damaged. Items inside the collapsing pocket or passing through the collapsing portal will be expelled pretty vigorously should that happen, potentially resulting in injuries should he happen to be pulling anything out of it at the time. Naturally, the pocket space is completely unsuited for life forms, lacking any form of proper ventilation, and putting any plant or animal into it for extended periods of time is a bad idea™. [b]Other:[/b] Among other things, his pocket space currently contains: [*] Two baseball bats.[/*][*] A cricket bat. [/*][*] A few steel swords.[/*][*] An oak spear with a steel tip.[/*][*] Some plastic roses.[/*][*] A few sets of playing cards.[/*][*] First aid supplies.[/*][*] Some cleaning supplies.[/*][*] An umbrella or two.[/*][*] Some spare sets of clothing.[/*][*] Several coils of rope.[/*][*] A string of colourful tied ribbons.[/*][*] Several bottles of alcohol and packs of cigarettes.[/*][*] A complete toolset.[/*][*] Miscellaneous knives and machetes.[/*][*]Some non-perishable cans of food.[/*] [I](PS: The swords, spear and other weapons are more for [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sword_swallowing]sword swallowing[/url] than actual combat, despite being fully functional.)[/I]