[u][b]Rakata Prime[/b][/u] The mention of this man’s employer having their eyes set on the chair of High Chancellor and the old Jedi Temple on Coruscant interested Scelus; in fact the prospect of inhabiting his enemy’s old temple was enough to bring a hidden smile to his face. Even at the mention of this prize, Scelus stayed silent and continued his attempt to infiltrate the agent’s mind, wanting to know who his employer was even more than before. Who would reach out to the Sith Tribunal to help them ascend to the position of High Chancellor of the Republic? This was an interesting turn of events indeed. Whoever this man’s employer was, was also willing to help the Sith crush the Jedi; the trouble with this was that once the Jedi were gone the Sith would inevitably turn on one another. Scelus was roused from his thoughts on this mysterious “employer” when the man added another part to the outreach; the agent before him was to remain in his service until his employer called him back. “This is a glorious prize indeed, but I still must discuss this important prospect with my fellow Tribunal Members. We are set to meet again tomorrow, but they will most likely not warm up to the idea right away and, or rather Lady Genitrix won’t. Lord Reaver is another story. You will stay until we reach a decision. Now, to prove yourself you will follow me to the archaeological dig of an ancient Rakatan temple. You will need this if you are to prove yourself in the temple.” The man’s blade floated up from the Sith Lord’s belt and suspended itself in front of its owner horizontally, waiting to be taken back. After directing the agent to where the speeders were waiting for them, Scelus sought out his apprentice in the archives. “Darth Vistark, my apprentice, what do you think of the agent sent to us?” ------------------------------- [u][b]Csilla[/b][/u] “Yes, unfortunately, they have been captured by the Sith. We are sending you to get the information Master Greon was gathering at the time and extract the both of them if possible. As for their position within the base, your guess is as good as ours. Once inside, you should be able to discern where their holding cells will be. We have been able to gather enough information to know that this base is the one the Sith forces use to hold their prisoners as well as to interrogate them, so the amount of Dark Jedi present within will be rather high. They may also have the Sith Lady Darth Genitrix and her apprentice there to interrogate Master Greon and his Padawan. They were sent on a reconnaissance mission prior to their capture; their mission led them to this base. They were trying to gather as much information on the Sith Order as possible. Their information could help us figure out our enemy and rid the galaxy of their evil. Your extraction point will be the same as your entrance, but if that is compromised, your secondary extraction point will be the roof of the South Tower.” Krios listened through the briefing, mentally preparing himself for the mission at hand. He was used to infiltration missions, but this one would be the most difficult thus far; slipping past other Force Users would be difficult, even with his skill in concealing his presence with the Force, especially when adding the fact that they were traveling in a group of five. They would most likely be forced to split up at some point once within the base, which would make things even more difficult, as if any of them were caught alone by a Dark Jedi, or even worse one of the actual Sith, they could be killed. Krios calmed his racing mind, a trait he inherited from the time he spent under his Salarian Master. “May the Force be with you all on your mission.” Krios stood and bowed, repeating the mantra all Jedi used to wish luck upon one another. The young Drell followed the Togruta Padawan and his Master out of the room and toward the hangar bay. Before boarding the ship, Krios grabbed climbing gear. Once on the ship, he sat next to Rozalia; she seemed to have a lot on her mind, no doubt worried about the mission at hand. “Calm yourself, Roze. You’ll be fine. The Council has faith in your abilities, so you should as well.” Krios, himself was slightly worried about the mission, but he pushed his anxiety down, using the Force to calm his mind. He had faith in his training from Master Zetram. He was also out to prove himself a capable Knight to his former Master. His days as a Padawan flashed before his eyes as he watched the Kel Dor Jedi Master instructing his Padawan before the mission. Once the entire team was aboard, the ship powered up and left the calm of the hangar and entered the frigid environment of Csilla. The ship flew through the swirling snowstorms towards the peak of a mountain. The cloaking system held, hiding the team from the scanners of the Sith base. The small ship landed on a ledge under the actual cliff the base sat on. Krios exited the ship, turning the warmth of his suit up as the cold increased with the altitude. He immediately began setting his climbing cable in place, followed by the Kel Dor Master and his Togruta Padawan. ------------------------------- [b][u]Malastare, Aboard The [i]Nightingale[/i][/u][/b] Corrin had just fallen back on his bunk and closed his opalescent red eyes when there was a knock upon his door. With a grumble and a sigh, the Chiss slid from his bunk and walked over to the door, smoothing down his hair, and opened it to find a female Turian standing there. Judging from her armor and weaponry, and the fact that he had been told of only one Turian aboard the ship, she must be the “drifter” the captain and Wookiee spoke of. His red eyes examined her for a moment. “Can I help you?” Corrin hoped he couldn’t; he desperately wanted to get some shuteye before the captain called upon him for the duties he was hired to do. He would be responsible for making sure the ship was up to shape as well as hacking whatever needed hacked or fixing the programming on the ship if need be. He had quite a bit on his plate with the dual role he was playing aboard The [i]Nightingale[/i]. Corrin wondered what sort of “adventures” he would get into now that he was part of this crew of what he could only assume were outcasts. ------------------------------- [b][u]Eriadu[/u][/b] As the Krogan and his squad rode off on their speeders a man approached the Bothan squad leader from the brush. The squad leveled their weapons on the man for a split second, until they recognized he wasn’t in a Republic uniform. The man walked up to the Bothan, who was watching the Howlrunners ride off with a look of gratitude on his face. When the spoke, the Bothan turned toward him, breaking his gaze on the Howlrunners. The man explained his situation and then asked to attach to their squad, who had lost some of their numbers as well. “Of course you can. Fall in line, and we’ll get going.” The Bothan led his squad to the nearest factory. Once they got to the factory, the Bothan took one side of the entrance and ordered his second to take the other while the rest of the squad waited just outside the door. The Bothan counted on his fingers and then pushed the button to open the door, his squad having leveled their weapons on the entrance already. The door slid open with a groan and revealed soldiers waiting on the other side of the door with their weapons leveled on the Bothan’s squad. Luckily they were Rebel soldiers and lowered their weapons. With a nod, the Bothan led his squad inside; there were two more squads already at the factory. The three squads began setting up vantage points and covering the entrances to the factory to help other squads reach the factory to rendezvous with them. Flynn steered his squad in the direction of the nearest skirmish between Republic troops and Rebel soldiers. The Rebel soldiers were being picked off by one of the Republic’s powersuits. Flynn steered his squad in a direction to flank the powersuit from behind and take them by surprise. As they approached, though, there was a shot, and one of his squad went down from a laser bolt to the chest. The Krogan pulled his speeder to a stop and dropped down behind it, his squad following suit. There was another shot, but it hit the seat of Flynn’s speeder. “Someone get a visual on the sniper!” One of his squad pulled a set of binoculars and cautiously peaked over his speeder. There was another shot, and the spotter went down, a smoking hole in his head. The Krogan hit his speeder, leaving a dent on the side where he hit. Flynn creeped over to where his subordinate lay and grabbed the binoculars himself. After creeping back to his own speeder, Flynn peaked over it to try and get a visual on the sniper. He looked around the landscape in the direction the shots had come from, but was forced to duck back behind his speeder by a shot that narrowly missed him. On his second attempt, the Krogan was hit in the left shoulder by the sniper and fell to the ground behind his speeder. From there, the situation thickened as two squads of Republic troopers marched toward them, flanking them from the west. With a hand signal, Flynn had his squad make a circle around them with the speeders to give them cover all around. -------------------------------- [b][u]Space over Vondarc[/u][/b] The Republic and Rebellion continued engaging in dogfights in the void of space, and the larger ships of both factions began to enter the fray as well. Corvettes and Frigates maneuvered through the battlefield and fired upon the Dreadnaughts and Cruisers. The void was filled with laser bolts flying this way and that. The Kel Dor Admiral sat and watched from his command chair, ordering ships into new positions. As a Rebel bomber was chased off from The [i]Tresher[/i] by one of the Republic’s fighters, Xer Loa turned back toward the holoprojector next to his chair and watched as the image of High General Vallen appeared right after The [i]Colossus[/i] appeared from hyperspace. "Xer Loa, it's touching to see that you've started the party without me. Anyway, I'm glad you have a defensive perimeter around my ship, but it’s time to lure the enemy into a trap. I've made sure to have the rest of the fleet to take a longer way round. They'll appear on the right just roughly where the enemy vanguard is. My plan is to lure them out of their line by using The [i]Colossus[/i] as bait, and once they do move after the juicy bait the rest of the fleet will appear behind enemy lines and we can crush them in a cross fire! Do you have any input on this, Xer Loa?" Xer Loa wasn’t surprised by the daring strategy proposed by Vallen. He had the mentality of a warrior along with the courage. The Kelo Dor thought on the strategy for a moment, staring down at the hologram of the Kaleesh General. It was a risky strategy to leave the flagship unguarded, not to mention the Rebels may not fall for it, but the rest of the fleet were going to flank the Rebel fleet on their right, which should be security enough, not to mention the massive hyper-collider canon that made up the majority of the bow of the flagship. “I have no objections, sir. It’s an excellent strategy. I will maneuver the rest of the fleet and focus on the left flank of the Rebel fleet so as to optimize the effect of the crossfire we catch them in.”