Smitten Kitten was running as fast as she could through the Ebon Stryker territory. It was oddly empty for now and because of it Smitten Kitten had her guard down. She was thinking of ways she could fight the Black King and maybe what guild she could join. If she did defeat the Black King, or at least managed to survive a battle against him, surely the other guilds would want her. And than the Dissolution attacked. "Kia!" Smitten Kitten's only warning was some sort of growling. She looked around fast enough to see some sort of monster lunge at her. It knocked her back and took a large chunk of her health. While still over half, she doubt she could survive two more hits. It looked like some sort of slime monster. It was fast and she knew that she couldn't target it with an Explosion Rune, so she tried to trap it with a Sticky Rune and make a run for it. She's never fought a Dissolution before and she certainly didn't want to fight it alone. She didn't even have a monster to befriend and she wasn't sure if the Dissolution was her level or not. Smitten Kitten ran into the road and saw something zooming towards her. At first she thought it was another Dissolution as it grew nearer she saw that it was a truck. It looked like there was something standing on top of it but Smitten Kitten didn't get a good look as she was still running away from the Dissolution, placing Explosion Runes behind her to slow the monster down.