Fallon Reed had already moved in and decorate her room on move in day, having pulled up in a limousine and gotten quite a few looks. She’d told her parents she wanted to drive herself, but apparently they didn’t trust her to go to where she’d promised. It was fine though. Plenty of her belongings fit in it after all. She had gotten her dorm [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fgKL3_fWqtg/UArM6rRsw4I/AAAAAAAADGk/gm5l8uTkqhg/s640/dorm+room+4.jpg]decorated[/url] precisely how she wanted, but it did take a while. After all, she’d never really done anything domestic. Or for herself really. Normally she would have asked one of the help to do it, but well, she’d have to get used to being on her own at this school she supposed. And she was so looking forward to being here! Everyone and their daemons seemed simply fascinating. She thought Iris was perhaps a bit jealous at how Fallon had been admiring the other ones, but no matter what she would always be her best friend. Right now Fallon was getting dressed in front of her full length mirror, with Iris shaking her head yes or no, depending on the outfit. [b]”I want to make a good impression, especially in fashion design. After all it is what I want to do! I think…”[/b] she chewed her lip indecisively. Iris was used to Fallon’s lack of self-confidence though so she simply kept quiet, watching until Fallon decided on an [url=http://www.scentofobsession.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/fashion-blogger-nicoletta-reggio-outfit-urban-chic012.jpg]outfit[/url] herself. [b]”There, that will have to do!”[/b] she sighed, putting her sunglasses atop her head and picking up Iris. [b]”Let’s be friendly and make others smile today, shall we?”[/b] Fallon smiled at the daemon, who batted Fallon’s nose playfully. [b]”You do that, silly girl,”[/b] she said. Fallon crinkled her nose and giggled, stepping out of her dorm and almost getting run over by someone running down the hall. [b]”Well, they're in an awful big hurry,"[/b] Fallon said, blinking her bright blue eyes behind thick dark lashes. [i]I don't think I'll like it here[/i] Iris grumbled, having dug her claws lightly into Fallon when the boy had rushed past. [b]"Oh Iris..."[/b] Fallon scolded with a smile, letting the cat up on her shoulders to stay laying there, peering out from Fallon's hair at passers by. She wandered around, looking at everything, when the smell of coffee beans hit her nose. [b]"Mmmm..."[/b] she murmured, heading after the smell which took her to what she assumed was the cafeteria, where there appeared to be a coffee stand. [b]"Oh my second love,"[/b] she laughed, an inside joke between her and Iris, as she got a French vanilla latte and sipped it while walking down the halls. She had that gleam of happiness and hopefulness in her eyes that showed she was a new student, at least when combined with the unsure way she would peer around corners and down halls, peeking in rooms and familiarizing herself with the layout of the beautiful school.