I'm going to start with my shadow elemental, and I just added what was in the cs and took what wasn't needed out of it, also I can't think of anything else for the bio... So that's why it's kind of out of order. Also I'm probably going to add my two lycans...though one is also a host to a demon...when I can find my profiles on the Disappearance OOC. [hider=Sai'tioula Hilioula/Ilytise][b]Name:[/b] Sai'tioula Hilioula/Ilytise [b]Age: [/b][list][*]Sai'tioula: 18[/*][*]Ilytise: Doesn't remember her actual age.[/*][/list] [b]Gender:[/b] Both are female [b]Species:[/b] [list][*]Sai'tioula is a human, who is actually a host to a elemental[/*][*]Ilytise is a shadow elemental.[/*][/list] [b]Worker/Guest:[/b] Guest [b]Personality: [/b] [indent]Sai'tioula: [list][*]She can be quiet rude to people she doesn't know.[/*][*]Prone to say things out loud of thoughts that is not her own[/*][*]Prone to violent actions, that results of her getting either in trouble or severely hurt.[/*][*]Can be seen 'talking' to herself, but in reality she is talking to Ilytise.[/*][/list]Ilytise:[list][*] Despite her intense dislike for humans, she is protective of her host, and will go to great lengths to protect her.[/*][*]Loathes the fact that she will always have to rely on a host in order to even do just the simplest of tasks, like talking.[/*][*]Even though Ilytise is protective of Sai'tioula, she has tendencies of causing her harm, may it be physical or mentally.[/*][*]More to be added later.[/*][/list][/indent] [b]Weapons:[/b] A pair of serated daggers with the hilts made out of ivory that has carvings of dragons that is made out of obsidian. [b]Powers: [/b][list][*]Shadow manipulation[/*][*]Shape shifting into a four-armed, wingless dragon.[/*][/list] [b]Weaknesses: [/b][indent]Human Form Weaknesses:[list][*]A very old blood ruby necklace that contains her spirit.[/*][*]Any kind of bright lights. Any amount of prolong exposure results of Ilytise's host becoming physically weak.[/*][*]Being stuck in a frail, and somewhat weak human body. So any and all weaknesses that a human will have.[/*][*]If anyone were to separate Ilytise from Sai'tioula, her host will die because of her becoming dependent on the elemental to live.[/*][/list]Strengths as a Dragon:[list][*]Able to manipulate shadows more easily than before.[/*][*]Is able to grab multiple things with the four arms that takes the place of her wings.[/*][/list]Weaknesses as a Dragon:[list][*]As a dragon, Ilytise becomes more prone to become violent, but is worse than when Sai'tioula would have a violent outburst.[/*][*]Cannot fly because of lack of wings.[/*][*]Ilytise is the only one that can use this form, whenever she can wrestle control of Sai'tioula's body from her (This is more like a restriction.)[/*][*]Is easy to restrain when needed.[/*][*]The large size makes it hard for Ilytise to move through tight quarters.[/*][/list][/indent] [b]Relationships:[/b] Ilytise has what you call a symbiotic relationship with Sai'tioula. She needs her in order to do things. [b]Bio:[/b] Ilytise had the unfortunate event of her being sealed into a blood ruby necklace by someone, quiet can't remember who. After countless years, the necklace was found by a then, four year old, Sai'tioula. Her parents noticed a change in their daughter, and decided to take her to their cousin's house. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/192/f/d/Random_anime_girl____by_Shivawolf1.jpg] [img=http://s5.postimg.org/x8wr64bw7/Black_Dragon.jpg] [b]Other:[/b] Well crap, I better not forgotten anything else.[/hider]