Ah, Haruka really did enjoy the atmosphere that Ivory Masks had. Far from the militaristic style of the Scarlet Harleys or the free-for-all attitudes of the Cobalt Bruisers, there was simply a distinct feeling of a ‘masquerade’ that wrapped up the tower-like Hall. Perhaps it was because she had intentionally made it easier to mingle by minimizing horizontal space in favor of vertical space, or perhaps she went out of her way to set an example in how everyone should help out the newer members, but it was nice to see how easily her guild members chilled with strangers. Of course, with all that, it also stood that most everyone leveled up at an astounding rate, allowing the Legacy System access to even more useful skills. So really, everyone won in the end. Sitting on the edge of the balcony as she cycled through which mounts had been taken out of the collective Guild Bank, the White Terror smiled under her mask. Those five super cool mecha-rainbow horses that Frost Witch had gotten from that Raid Event was, for once, not borrowed out by another. Selecting three of those and marking them as ‘reserved’, she happily hopped off the railing, waving cheerily as Meilin zapped into existence, dressed in all black and already wearing her funny full-head mask. [b]“Yup,”[/b] White Terror spoke,[b] “Were you reading about Renaissance philosophers or something? Heard from Claire that the Black King is finally breaking years of tradition and such by opening her Guild to others, so hey, I was like ‘Might as well say ‘hi’ and give her some advice!’ Thought you’d be interested to see who else comes.”[/b] The Avatar didn’t even react to the sudden spawning of five Dissolutions, because, really, most of her Guild was there. Instead, rather off-handedly, she said, [b]“By the way, whatcha think about the sudden spawning thing? Think there’s a bug with the monster spawning program?” “And Claire, we’re heading out with your favorite mecha horsies now,”[/b] she called over the megaphone, before letting the masses of Ivory Masks present to deal with the pest outbreak. Lackadaisically jumping down from the fifteenth floor and using Icarus Attack to land safely on the first floor, the White King smiled and waved at a few of the newbies that she had personally recruited, told them to take a good look at how the higher-tiers fought, and headed the massive doors of the Ivory Tower. Soon after, she had mounted on one of the mecha rainbow horses, the steed ejecting exhaust in an annoyed manner as it waited for the riders of its fellow brothers to get over there and get moving.